Chapter 2

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Cursed Opportunity

Izuku's eyes flutter open as sunlight enters them. The last thing he remembers is that guy in the blindfold putting his fingers on Izuku's forehead, and then nothing. He rises from the bed he's now in, confused as to where the heck he is.

Did I just get kidnapped by villains? Izuku assumes the worst, but just as he's about to get up, Megumi enters the room. 

"Oh, you're up." He blankly states. Izuku and Megumi stare at one another for an eternity until Gojo abruptly enters the room.

 "Welcome to the world of the living Bush-Head," Gojo jokingly greets. "You were out for quite a bit longer than I expected!" Izuku is immediately confused, as anyone would've been in this particular situation. Luckily for him, Megumi seems to be the sane one of the duo.

"I can already tell what you're thinking so I'll answer some of your unspoken questions. No, we're not villains. Yes, we technically did kidnap you. My name is Megumi Fushiguro and this is my teacher-"

"Satoru Gojo!" An entirely too goofy for his stature Gojo calls out. Izuku is utterly baffled at this point, but Megumi continues without missing a beat.

"That. We brought you here because of what happened with the cursed spirit." That is where Izuku interrupts.

"Where is here and what's a cursed spirit? Was it that weird thing that I fought and..." Izuku's voice wanders off remembering the blood that was on his hands. They were clean now, presumably by Megumi and Gojo, but the fact that it still happened haunted him.

"You didn't kill a person, Midoriya," Gojo says seriously for the first time in this entire conversation. "To answer your first question, we're in a motel I quickly rented out so we could privately have this talk." Izuku nods, slightly confused Gojo knew his name but surmises he saw his student ID card.

"Secondly, that thing you killed was a cursed spirit. That explanation will take a bit longer. I suppose we should start by asking you some quick questions so you can truly understand."

"We need to know if you've ever seen cursed spirits like that one before in your life," Megumi asks to start.

If I've seen cursed spirits like that one... Izuku thinks back and realizes that all the weird things he's seen while feeling negative emotions must be connected to this. He must've been able to see these creatures because of the weird energy he felt all the time. 

Gojo begins grinning and Megumi's eyes momentarily widen. Izuku notices their reactions and realizes he must've said that all out loud. 

"So you have, and to boot you've been sensing cursed energy as well. Excellent," Gojo comments. "That makes things easier. I suppose I should drop an information dump on you now. Sigh I hate being a teacher sometimes," Izuku still can't believe this guy is a teacher in general.

"OK, so to start, the energy you've been sensing is called cursed energy. Cursed energy is formed from negative emotions exhibited by the person with it. Cursed spirits are beings created thanks to the leakage of negative emotions from normal people." Izuku wishes he picked up his notebook to write all this down. "Now you may be wondering, why can you suddenly utilize cursed energy? Well, it's because you're quirkless." 

And just like that, Izuku's entire worldview crumbles to dust. 

"W-wa-wait! So are you saying people with quirks can't have cursed energy? Why's that?" 

"No idea." Gojo answers with a face saying he knew more than he let on. Megumi only nods. "Back to what I was saying earlier though, cursed energy is that aura you've been sensing. Now, people who have heightened perception of their cursed energy are then classified as jujutsu sorcerers by jujutsu society." Izuku nods to confirm he's following along.

"Jujutsu sorcerers go around exorcising curses, protecting the larger populace from them. Now that you can access your cursed energy, you can become a proper sorcerer! So, how about it? Wanna come with?" Gojo's proposal comes out of nowhere, immediately baffling Izuku.

"HUH!? This sounds like something I should think over! I mean what would I have to do? Would I have to leave school? Am I forced to do this? Can I even-" Izuku began muttering at high speeds again, losing Gojo and Megumi.

"You really should've thought before offering that to a highly emotional teenager." Megumi chastised his teacher.

"Ah." Is his mentor's smart reply. Gojo then gets up and walks to the door before turning to face Izuku and Megumi. "I'm goin' to get a drink, you all want anything?" Izuku and Megumi shake their heads and Gojo exits the room.

Izuku pondered on all this new information he was given by Gojo. Cursed spirits? Cursed energy? Jujutsu sorcerers? He understood all of it now but that last request on becoming one? What would be the point? This must be the world throwing him a bone out of pity. 

"You don't have to answer immediately, it's a lot to ask of you after just explaining this," Megumi says interrupting Izuku's thoughts. "There's a lot of risks to becoming a jujutsu sorcerer. Many unexplained deaths are caused by cursed spirits. It's a dangerous world you'd be stepping into." Izuku idly nods but decides to ask a new question.

"Hey Fushiguro," Megumi perks up. "Why are you a jujutsu sorcerer?" Megumi physically blanches in response. Izuku is quick to notice and rectify this.

"I-I'm sorry! That's probably a private question! I shouldn't ha-"

"No. It's okay, you asked to gauge my response and way the pros and cons of this for yourself. Honestly, I'd do the same in your position." Izuku grew a small smile at that. "Well, you're right that it's kind of private. But I became a sorcerer to save someone I care about." 

"To save someone..." Izuku mimics. "Fushiguro, I want to become stronger. I want to help people, it's why I wanted to become a hero. If I learn to use my cursed energy, can I do that? In some roundabout way, can I become a hero without a quirk?" Megumi's blank expression lightened up a bit before answering.

"Maybe, you'd have to ask Gojo-sense-" 

"IT'S ENTIRELY POSSIBLE! Possible... possible..." Gojo barges into the room, faking an echo while holding a pack of Capri-Sun.

He acts like a child... Izuku and Megumi simultaneously thought.

"Honestly, to become an actual Pro Hero using jujutsu is something unheard of. However, I could pull some strings for you with the higher-ups, should you accept my offer." Gojo takes a sip of his Capri-Sun. 

Izuku rethinks everything Gojo and Megumi have said, goes over everything this opportunity entails, and makes a decision.

"I accept. I'll learn to use jujutsu and cursed energy. I'll become a hero and jujutsu sorcerer at the same time!" Gojo's smile widens and Megumi simply nods in affirmation.

"Then it's high time we get permission from your parental guardian, kid!"


Chapter Complete

Another fairly simple chapter down. The bulk of the story will be after the next chapter, or perhaps during... Oh well, y'all get the point. 

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