Chapter 9

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Hero Academia

Izuku left his dorm at Jujutsu High with high hopes. The day was here. It was finally here—the first day of his life as a Hero Course student at U.A. Academy. Months had passed since the celebration of him passing the Entrance Exam and Izuku was ecstatic to head toward U.A.

He had already made it to the staircase leaving Jujutsu High, Ichiji had been waiting with the car to drive him to U.A. The distance between the two schools was about a two-hour drive so Izuku had to wake up early. Just as Izuku had made it down his first flight he saw Gojo leaning against a tree.

"Oh, morning Sensei!" Izuku greeted with a quick bow.

"Morning, Izuku," He replied. "Let me walk with you. I got something to talk to you about before you leave." Izuku shrugged before slowing his pace to walk with Gojo.

"So, the first day of a new school. Excited?" Gojo inquired.

"A bit. But I'm also a little confused with how everything will work." Izuku answered.

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to come down and tell you before you left for the day," Gojo replied. "When the year officially starts for Jujutsu High we'll have you sometimes attend quick missions to ensure you stay vigilant as a Sorcerer." Izuku nodded before producing his notebook from seemingly thin air to write this down.

"Of course, I'll come down sometimes or one of the other first years will for a joint mission. That should be fun."

"Wait, what do you mean you'll come down sometimes?" Izuku paused his writing to glance at his sensei.

"Oh, right. I didn't tell ya. You'll be going back to live with your mom because it is closer to U.A. than the academy." Gojo quickly informed the greenette. "There's a reason you didn't take everything to your dorm after all."

"Yeah. I guess that makes sense..." The duo then made it to Ichiji who was waiting in front of his car to drive Izuku for his first day at U.A.

"Good morning, Ichiji." Izuku greeted as Ichiji waved. Gojo nodded in acknowledgment as Izuku was ushered into the vehicle. Before Ichiji drove off Gojo knocked on Izuku's window. The young sorcerer rolled the window down.

"Yes, sensei?"

"There's one last thing I should tell you before letting you off. You're an active Sorcerer now, meaning you must exorcise any curse you see while attending U.A." The strongest Sorcerer said, "I'm sure you already figured as much though."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Izuku replied, thinking about it. Because Heroes tend to take on threats so often, the negative emotions circling U.A. surely are higher than usual.

"And you'd be right. Which is why I'm reminding you," Gojo exclaimed as Izuku cringed at his vocal thinking yet again. "In any case, have fun! Be sure to let us know how the first day went!" Ichiji nodded as Gojo walked off afterward and drove off.

Izuku pondered Gojo's words on the drive to U.A. Surely there couldn't have been THAT many cursed spirits around U.A., right?


Izuku should have kept his mouth (mind?) shut. Ichiji had just dropped him off around 10 minutes early outside of U.A. and without the exam nerves on him, he had just realized the amount of cursed spirits he could sense around the area.

He hadn't seen any on the day of the exam, but they were deeper inside the building of U.A., at least, deeper than the exam sites or rooms used last time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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