Chapter 7

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Hero Exam

Before Izuku knew it ten months had passed, and the day of the U.A. Entrance Exam was here. In the time between being introduced to Tokyo Jujutsu High and now, Izuku had bulked up a considerable bit, no thanks to Panda and Maki's exercises and physical conditioning. Not only that, he had also become very adept at using his Power Flux Technique, adapting to new levels of strength and speed at a moment's notice. 

Of course, that's not the only thing Izuku had been progressing. He had become a Semi-Grade 2 sorcerer in the past month, being recommended by Megumi. He had done an accompanied mission to exorcise a cursed spirit with someone named Takuma Ino. 

The mission had gone fairly well, Takuma showcased an ability that definitely felt stronger than Grade 2, which Izuku asked about, to which the older sorcerer admitted he didn't want to be promoted without someone's permission, someone he looked up to. Izuku could relate to his self-insecurity. In any case, Izuku had become a Semi-Grade 2 and awaited to be sent on his first solo mission. But for now...

Izuku walked up to the large entrance of the school that was the greatest hero school in all of Japan. The entrance archway was incredibly tall which mildly shocked Izuku before he continued onwards, merging with the crowd of applicants entering at the same time.

I can't believe I'm here...  He marveled. I'm going to take the U.A. Entrance Exam, pass, and become a hero- Before Izuku could finish that thought he tripped on a loose tile in the path. Or I could just die here. 

Before Izuku falls face-first, he's caught by a hand clasping over his shoulder and firmly keeping him in place,  just inches from the ground. He turns his head to see a blonde-haired with round glasses. 

"Are you okay?" They ask, lifting Izuku back onto their feet. The boy blinks absentmindedly before coming to his senses, standing up straight and bowing profusely.

"I am! Thank you, miss! Sorry for being so incompetent I impeded your path to your exam today IhopethatyouhaveagreatdayI'llbeleavingnowBYE-" Izuku dashed away after muttering all that out, entering U.A. and rushing to his exam room.

The blonde, Melissa, watches all this happen with a befuddled look on her face. Must've been nervous...? She thinks to herself but is pushed out of the way by an ash-blonde male.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

"Eh!? You shouldn't have been standing in my way then!" The male sucked his teeth and turned away from Melissa, with a perpetually angry emotion on his face. Melissa sighed before making her way to enter the school building.


Izuku will admit that the written portion of the exam was more difficult than he expected it to be, he must've been slacking on his studies, and he'd have to fix that. From self-scoring, Izuku surmised he most likely passed, which just leaves... 

"Everybody say "hey"!"

The Practical Exam, the only challenge left in Izuku's way of attending U.A. The person announcing the exam was none other than the boisterous Pro Hero Present Mic. Unfortunately for Mic, his call to attention didn't garner any participants. The audience looked on in silence and waited for him to continue. 

"What a refined response," He muttered. "Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready?! Yeah!" Another wave of silence. Izuku silently gushed in his head about U.A. being awesome for having a staff team of Pro Heroes, he had to remember to get their autographs when he could. 

"As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this!" Mic exclaimed. "You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center as stated on the cards you all received upon entering, okay?" 

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