Chapter 2 Grow Up!

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" So , what clan is this?" This , is Beast City we have many different clans here , but I am winged tiger!
Then the priest.... Please , choose your first partner! " Who , is interested?"  A unanimous ... Me , I am female!

" These , marks  mean your  strong so is there like a ranking system?" The, more stars the higher your strength! " Let's , make this fair! I'll , accept  Sa and you  all can court and  get to  know me! If ,you're still interested!"

Such a beautiful female! The , red haired guy with blonde highlights smiled ... I am Blaze of the Phoenix clan! "My name is Jessica!" My , hand was taken by Sa... My female! He said... Let's , go I will  get you  any house you  want!

He , lifts me on his shoulder like I'm light as a feather .. What, kind of house do you  want? Something  with lots of land , water source close , a up , and  downstairs  , windows,  a porch , room for  a big family!"

We , looked around  while the other males I , agreed to court tag along I caught quite a few looks as we pass through the city... Who's that female? I hope she'll court me!

We looked at one close to the castle that had a  big house but the female next door was mean , loud, and obnoxious to her males  I thought  " Too much noise!"

We , looked  at another one a five minute walk from the  river it was a nice spot but it would  needs roof work and it stinks of pee ..
So we looked  at  another house on a hill there is a field with  flowers,  and  grasses and a creek that runs behind  while the river is further down in the field..

" This is pretty!" I said  going inside there is a fire pit in the center  two rooms  that could  be for mates or cubs . I , climbing the stone steps up and the attic was open  " I like it ! What , do you think Sa?" It is a good place ! I smiled  " Well let's build  a bed !" I , drew a frame design in the dirt outside " We , also need a bath tub inside , and also a basement  we can store food in !"

I tried to describe the things I wanted  while the other two guys work on that with  Sa ... I will go hunt! " Blaze , I'm a omnivore so I eat meat , fruit,  and vegetables!"
Do , you  like nuts too? " Yeah , I do!" He , smiled  at that  taking off his hide revealing a proud flag , and  shifted into a huge  red bird that had sparks on his feathers as he flew off.

I , got a long stick , some straw grass , and a piece of vine making  a broom. I , had swept  one room ... What are you doing? " Sweeping!" You , don't have too! Let me do it! Sa hung his head..

" Why are you upset? I'm not mad! I ,was just staying busy and helping!" I hugged him gently... Males , look down on us if females have to  work! " Sa , it wasn't my intention! I'll , be more careful! I'm sorry!"

I  blushed and kiss him gently,  he returned it as he tasted and put  me into a hug breaking for air... "I , won't let anyone bully my mates! " I went outside with  him...

As he started helping  again  " The bed is looking good!"  The , other beastman is building a tub by the river I look at him " What is your  name?"  Toliver of the wolf clan! I smiled.

"Listen , I'm not from here and a don't think bad of Sa! I ,started  sweeping because I wanted too! Where , I come from females work like males do!"

Are you  a traveler? " Yes!"  They ,  continue working on the bed . So , I figure I better  pick  some flowers , since I don't have soap yet.  " Mmm ,these smell like honeysuckle,  mint , and daffodils I pick some and sat on the log .

I , see the male who made the tub coming up the hill and " Sa , are they from the castle?" He growls lowly... Yes! He , stood in front of me I thought  " Who , is this male and two females?"

Sa , be my male! Sera , I have my female! You , haven't mated! "Excuse , me we haven't yet meaning I am later!" She smirks evilly... So , I can have him! " Sa , just told you  he was happy with  me ! Go home!" But , Sa is my male already!... No , we only courted! She growls .... " You ,courted but he changed his mind first! Be happy for him!" No! " GROW UP!" I yelled.

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