Chapter 4 Draw

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My bladder woke me as I smiled I traced his face with my fingers , and then stroked his feathers gently.
His eyes blinked open... Jessica! " Sa , I need to go pee!" He smiled.

I will take you! He kissed me gently.. So beautiful! " Um , later can you make me clothes?" I , asked while putting on my bathing suit.
He , lifted me purring ... Yes , I have some things to get for you from the castle!

Getting , in the woods... I , picked a few big leaves as , the water fell relief and washed over me. I , washed my hands , and face as the creek took a quick bath which was refreshing after last night.

I see him looking off " Sa , what's on your mind?" Hmm , my brothers! " What , about them?" They , will want to meet you! " I , don't think you have to worry about , that too much! At , least I don't think Ka , would want to see me!"

I look through the basket and snack on a fruit " Mmm , this tastes like a cross between  an apple , and plum !"  Benny came to the door " Good morning!" He blushed .... I brought you  some... golden sauce,  fruits and hides!
I look at the hides " Would , you make me clothes with these hides ? Sa , is going to the castle later want to go with us?"

Yes I will! He , blushes I stood and let him measure me ... He , came with a deer , and a basket of stuff "Good morning Tolliver!" Hello pretty!  I smiled.. why ,don't you cook the deer meat there are some vegetables , left from yesterday can you do those too?"

I am happy too! A big beautiful Phoenix , flew in  with a hide sack , and a basket full of stuff "Blaze , good morning!" He , shifted and smiled... I have gifts , and some fruits for you!
" Thank you all !"  After , breakfast we can go to the palace! " Okay , we will all go ! " He , smiled but I could feel through our bond , he wanted us to go alone....

His , mark was beautiful and on my right breast a , silvery blue winged tiger in flight ... While the food cooks .... Try these on! They , looked cute it ties behind the neck and , the skirt ties at the side so I can adjust it.

I , went in the hut and tried it on the skirt that came mid thigh , with my curves it was cute I went outside " How do I look?" I , did my little turn around and they all froze ....

Are , you all alright? I , waved my hand in front of them  ... Y  y you are beautiful! I giggled " Thank you Blaze! Thank you all!"  I asked if they could make me a bone comb ...

So , Blaze happily did that while , Sa , made me some hide slippers  Benny , had started getting rocks and collecting some clay , or red Earth as they called it to try and build a smoker.

After about an hour some of the meat was done and a few potatoes or stone fruit  were done ...Tolliver , gave me a leaf with food he blew on it giving me bites.

I blushed " You , all can eat with me ! I , prefer we eat together as a family!" You , eat first for us! I kept on eating  but thought " I'm , going to have to get them , to compromise with me later!'

Sa , slid on the shoes " They , feel good sweetheart!" Sweetheart? "It's , a nickname on Earth couples give each other , nicknames as a sign of affection or even just close friends!"

Can , we get nicknames too?  " Sure , I'll give you all one as it comes to me!" They smiled.
Blaze , gave me the comb " Thank you! He smiled... Actually , I need a long thin piece of hide to tie my hair up!"

I , started combing my long thick hair then Blaze... Can I? "Yes , just tie it here !" I , went over to the wildflowers picking some pink , blue , and yellow putting them in my ponytail.

I , took a few minutes looking at all their beautiful gems , and gifts I saw a few of his stray feathers and put them in with the flowers... Benny blushed..  I , picked a long straw breaking it into three pieces..
Sa , hugged my back " Benny , Blaze , Tolliver drew a straw!" I , swallowed as they drew!  Not , sure  who the next mate is tonight!

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