Chapter 70 Peacock Village Island

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As , we are getting the tour of their village. I , only see a few females there but are all being courted. My , peacock cubs rode on Ka , while they all stuck with their daddies.

Except , for Jewel she reached for me so  I'm holding my little sweet.
The chief looks at Ka... Where , is the cubs mother beast?... Chief , our mate is right there!

You , mean she birthed all these cubs?  Hmm yes!  Parker answered quickly.  Would , you be interested in staying here in our clan? I thought " I , should have known that question would come up!"

I , took a deep breath "Well , we have put a lot of work into our home in Beastworld City outskirts but...  I , wouldn't mind building a hut on Peacock Island , and staying here some! We , also have my mother , and other family, who might come visit too!"

He , scratched his chin thoughtfully ... So then you would still stay in the Beast City sometime? " Yes , because I am under the protection of the kings! "

This piqued his interest... Why , would they protect you more than others? " I , am a traveller! I , also broke the curse on Ka , Beast God sent me here!"

The , single males pause for a brief second on their mating dance to look ...which , really made the others unhappy so... " I , guess they cock blocked themselves!"  I , said quietly , with a grin and internal laugh.

The , chief led us to an area on the edge of the village , close to the beach... Our , clan doesn't go that far  ! "Why is that?" We , mainly eat nuts , and fruits!  " Thank you chief! I , also eat fruit , and vegetables! I hope that isn't an issue?" Not at all female!

So , my mates , brothers, and oldest cubs started collecting wood while I , drew up a design on a piece of paper.. Lanze , came up on land sporting a big flag..

Jessica, what is that? " I'm , drawing up a design for hut here with , some other things like storage, a smoker , an outhouse but ... also, I think here we should build a treehouse up high , as well in case of storms !"

"Here look! Upstairs , downstairs , five rooms , an outhouse , a porch and a treehouse , over there in that ginormous one!" That , one there with the big hole? I nodded.

My , female cubs play on a hide next to me while.. all , my male cubs are helping! My ,baby snakes are hunting the scent of wood they want for the room , since they are sensitive to certain smells. My , cub with Sin is burning the , ends of the bamboo logs just enough for my mates ,to drop sap that seals them in place like glue.

Will , is hunting with Tolliver while my other cubs are helping dig up bushes clearing the area. My , chicks are practicing flying around scoping for things.

Jin , came by me and eyes Lanze... We , can stay here tonight and , go visit tomorrow! I , kissed him gently.. " It , sounds like a plan!" Lanze , looks away but I thought about it... "  I , guess it won't hurt to have another mer mate! He could help with gathering seafood , and sea defense!"

" Lanze , would you be my mate?" He ,blushed it lightly brushed , his cheeks but grinned.. Yes!  I , smiled and kissed his cool lips. He , hissed lowly breaking for air.. "Go , get us some fish , clams and stuff please!"

He , kissed me again laying me on the sand whispering in my ear... I , want your next cubs to be mine! Then , he got up and dove in the water , before I could say anything.

My , cub with Curtis out female is so pretty and so is my cub with Harvey both are a bit more noisy than Serena, and Jewel but my cub with Harvey , is the most vocal cooing and purrs are around.

Three , females came over to me with their courting males.. Female , what are you doing in our village? "We , are going to stay here some in the hut we're building , and also in our hut at the Beast City!"

You can't do that! " Why , not the chief asked?"  It , doesn't matter ugly female! "Hmm jealous much!" I  , say as they leisurely walk back.
Harvey , squeezed juice from fruits and gave me some to drink .

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