Chapter 40 Is he?

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I , slowly got up and went to the door , while the cubs followed. "Hello , can I help you?" Yes , I would like to buy this house!
" Oh , well my mates put a lot of work into it so.. I , don't want to sell now!"

She grimaced ... I'll , pay double the price! " Listen, I appreciate that you like our place but , what is it you are really wanting here?" Everything! You , have meat all the time, good fruit , water , I never see you at the sandbox!

" I'll , tell you what! Have , your mates come by once a week and , they can learn about all the projects we , have done and you can pay me for their lessons!"

After , a long puff of I'm not getting my way... It's a bargain! She said handing me two moonstones .. Sa , Blaze , Parker , and , Curtis all go around talking to them while my other mates stay busy.

My , female visitor ... You , have four cubs the same age? " Yes!"  I , have six cubs in my past two litters!  "That's good! Where , do you live now?" Down , river in wolf territory!
"There , were some hits available up river !"

No , females there are only troublesome! " Are , they bullying you?" She , thinks because she is her clan beauty , she can get gifts from me! "What? She's full of it!
What's her name?"

Eudora! "Oh , I thought she lived in Camel Hump Village?" When , I was just a cub , the village flooded and some of our clan moved here! I , nodded in understanding " She's arrogant!"

We , talked about the events surrounding the flood and , learned something a bit disturbing ... Ape king , and his Queen appeared yesterday so , the kings have had more guards around the castle!

" That , is big news!" They , left shortly after I ran to the creek " Dylan, Dylan it's important!" What , is wrong with my Pearl? " The female that just left said Ape king , and Qin appeared at the castle yesterday!" His , eyes went wide "Go , warn Jin not to get with her so , there won't be another tragedy!"

I , will go to my lotus blossom!  I , smiled at Azul "Both , of you come back safely!" We kissed " I love you hurry back!" I , ate some pie sitting there , and thoughts began to flood my mind.

" Did , the sorcerer do that? Does , she still have Jin's mark?" I ,thought some more " I , don't need any more mates but I , may have to consider Jin , if it's possible to prevent further trouble!"

I , walked over wrapping my arms around his back " Parker, do you think your mother , would help us snoop ?" He , turned looking in my eyes .. What , do you mean? "Remember, Bai lost her marks ! I , am wondering if she still has king Jin because , if not he shouldn't get back with her! It , will cause a tragedy and she might target us!"

He , had a look of concern realizing what it might mean... He kissed my lips... I , will go and talk to mother! "Only , talk to her , and your father!"

He , hurried to the castle in his beast form.. I , lay on the bed while the cubs snuggle , giving them pets we fell asleep. I , have a dream that I'm , walking through the fog  "Hello , Azul , Sa ,my loves!"  I came upon a pool of water with images of things..

Jin , losing his mind because Qin made a deal , a battle between my mates , my  brother and family against Qin , Bai and a bunch of beasts with those weird stones..."Jessica, Love , Beautiful, Pretty wake up!"

My , face was covered in wet tears "I'm , afraid trouble is coming!" Why? Sa hugged me " A dream this is what I saw...." I , told them everything ... Beast God took Bai! "I , know maybe it's a warning we have , to do something different!"

Maybe , we should have the priest visit us! " Ka ,ask her to come unnoticed if possible!" He nodded and flew off... I say to myself  "This , has been a big revelation!"

I , sat out on the log watching the sunset , when wet footsteps were behind me "Azul , Dylan how did it... I , turned and jumped back ... I , finally have your attention! " You , stay away from me!" No , if you do not listen! I will put the stones your mates!

" You , know you call that manipulation  and , it's not healthy for someone like yourself to be so... pushy if , you want to be loved by the masses that is!" Mate , my cub and I will stop all this! " Is , he wearing one of  those weird stones? Or , is he all there upstairs?"

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