Chapter 15 Smile

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Jax , had got his loin cloth on while I quickly dressed. The , one who made Jax , a slave ,growls at the cave .  I opened the curtain... I , am not here to see you female!

" And , what do you want with Jax?" His , mother wants to see him! "Okay , we will cook here! You , bring her to visit now! Sounds good?"  I'll , be back she's outside the village! I nodded.

He left "Can , I wash up a little?" He , got a bowl of water and a hide.
I , want a hot bath later.. I sat " Blaze , what did you catch some rabbits, fruit, and nuts you made pie with! " Oh goody ! Were ,having Jax's mother over to visit!"

He , cut the meat into chunks and Jax used his pastel to grind the herbs we got that started on the pot.. Mother!  She , is very pretty and  pregnant.. Mother, come sit!
He , pulled a fur out from the pile behind , the bed and she said "Hello , I'm Jessica!"

She , cut her eyes at me... I'm , here to see my cub not you!  " Is , polite conversation a strange thing to you?" No , female is nice unless they have a scheme! " Well , how about we change your mind! The , only thing I'm scheming is for us , to be happy , safe and get back to my other mates!"

You , can't leave this place!  " Yes , I can two of my mates are princes of Beast City!" Her , face went red then she started crying .... Mother, please don't cry! ... " Don't , cry you can still visit Jax if you're , mate out there stops treating him like a slave! We , might even visit you somewhere!"

I  , rubbed Jax back and went next to Blaze . I , sat close to the herbs touching my mates marks , I touch them with my eyes closed and began to feel a pull from "Benny ,can you her me?" I ,thought in my mind.

Jessica , are you okay? " Yes , I'm with Blaze in his village! Is , Sa okay? I felt pain from his mark!"
He , is injured but will pull through!
" Give , him a moon stone from our gems! I miss you all!" We miss you too! I , will come get you soon! "Are Tolliver, Tanner, Dylan , Ka, and Vincent alright?"

We , have minor injuries that will heal! " I , took a healer mate so when , we have cubs he can help!"
That , is good! I , hope we have a cub! " I'm , sure at some point we will all have little cubs! "  Jessica, Jessica! A hand shook me..

" Yeah?" Are , you alright? You looked funny!  " I'm , okay love I used my mark so , they know I'm safe with you and Jax!" That is good! He , said but I could tell he was worried about something so.. I , didn't ask thinking I better wait.

I sat taking so I sang
"There must be some kinda way out of here
Said the joker to the thief
There's so much confusion
I can't get no relief
All along the watchtower
Princess kept the view"

I , used the wooden bowl to imitate drums and , hummed tunes from home I stopped that and snack on a few of the berries I noticed that it stained my fingers pink I thought ha ha.

I , went outside with a bowl of water two , pink berries and one purple . I stained my eye lids pink , using my fingernail I , made a purple winged eye then stained my lips.

Jax's , mother's mate looked over at me as , well as the other four males .. I , then stained my fingernails pink , and purple .
I , sat in the sun blowing on my nails " Cool , it worked make-up in Beastworld!" I , say aloud to myself.

Jessica , come eat beautiful! "Okay!"  He , looks at my closely and blushed. I , kissed his cheek and sat between he , and Jax they served us first of course.

We , began eating Jax ,took turns feeding me and his mother bites , while Blaze fed me the other times..
I , smiled at both of them.. In , an attempt to make nice conversations again... " When , are you due? Did , you want Jax to help you deliver?" Deliver? " I , mean when you give birth!"  Yes , I would like him to help! I , am due this moon cycle! I nodded " Maybe , we can stay until then ! I , have other mates I , have to talk it over with them too!" She , beams a smile and , Jax took my hand.

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