Ch. 4 ✨Donovan✨

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*Few Days Later*
*Y/N's POV*

Ever since that day the Exterminators showed up, everyone's been on edge.
Charlie isn't smiling as much anymore, she mostly stays inside the empty Hazbin Hotel, hanging her head low while Vaggie does her best to comfort her.

Husker has been drinking more and more, and Angel has been easy to piss off lately, less joking around.

And Alastor...

I glance up from staring down at my hands for a few minutes to see Alastor standing by the glowing red fireplace in the hotel, one arm keeping himself upright while he stares at the flames, silent.

Me and him haven't talked much since that day...whenever we try to talk, it always ends up in an argument that's ridiculous and goes nowhere.
So in the end, we've been staying silent for the most part.

Though the memories replay in my head:

*Memory flashback*

  "What do you mean, leave Hell?" I let his hands go, taking a staggering step back, my heart ever so slightly breaking from his words.
"I don't mean leave Hell, as in, leave me," he approaches me, "we would still be together, but...not all the time."
  "Why would you say such a thing to me?" I whisper, feeling my eyes sting from possibly tears. "Why would you want me to leave?"
"I do not," he says, "but I don't want to watch your existence erase completely by the blade of an exterminator," he takes my hands in his again. "I lost you once before to a bullet, I will not lose you again in this life."
  Bullet...he means when my past life, Elizabeth, was shot.
I lower my head to our hands that are together, though it is not a comforting touch.
Its a touch of hanging on to one another, afraid to let go, because one of us might easily be blown away by the wind of fate.
"This realm is dangerous, and you," he puts a finger under my chin, raising my face to meet his, "are my delicate little rose."
  He puts his hands on my shoulders, pulling me close until our foreheads touch.
  "I love you, darling. And if you love me back, then you will at least try and make protecting you easier on me."

*End of flashback*

The way he said I love didn't sound like a genuine love, but more or less a guilt trip to make me feel bad.
Well, Alastor is known to play with both people and demons emotions to get what he wants...

Is that what he's doing to me? Playing his mind games to make me give in and become a hardened soul, who doesn't care about others, but merely enjoys watching them fall?

Is that what he wants from me?

Suddenly, the doors open, and two shadows fly around the room, before returning towards the entrance where a tall, pale, man stands, leaning his slender body weight against his black staff.

All our heads turn in confusion, except for Alastor, who only smiles and welcomes him in.

"Over here, my good sir!"

I glance at Alastor, noticing how his face has lightened up for the first time in days, before I glance back at the man whose only gotten closer, close enough for me to get a good look at his face.

✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now