Ch. 14 ✨Valentino✨

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*Y/N's POV*

The walk to Valentino's side of Pentagram city took a little longer then I thought, but I managed to make it...
He owns one of the biggest sky scraper buildings in this city.

Half of it is his studio, the other, his luxury home...
I inhale a shuddering breath. Be strong, Y/N.
I follow the pink graveled path, palm trees and pink grass on each side of the path I walk on.

I follow it until I reach the entrance to the studio, where two body guards stop me.

"Club member?" one asks in a gruff manner.
I lower my hood, and look at them.
"I came to see Valentino," I say, clearly, firmly. Though they don't take it as such.

"Do you have business with him?" The other asks.
I nod. Yes, its a lie, I don't have business with him. Not that kind of business.

One bodyguard reaches and touches his microphone headset.
"You're name?" he asks.

"Y/N," I respond, and he presses a button.

"Someone wants to see you. Y/N, is there name."
I can't hear what Valentino says, since the bodyguard is wearing a headset, but I watch the flickers of confusion in the bodyguards face, before he lowers his hand and opens the door to the studio.

The smell of cigarettes, strong perfume, and drinks fill my nostrils, nearly making me gag.
"Take the elevator on your right. Press the gold button." He holds the door open for me, until I fully step inside, when he then shuts it behind him.

I gulp. I'm in...and there's no backing out.

The room is dark, except for the flash of pink and white lights, and the sound of loud club music and catcalls being heard.
I glance to where I see a stage, and all the hungry demons surrounding it, cheering.

For two seconds, I imagine seeing Angel on top that stage, dancing for all those demons.
The thought makes me shudder as I quickly look away and go to the elevator, stepping inside and pressing the only golden button there.

I exhale a breath, eyes shutting as the elevator lifts me higher and higher, to the top floor.
I know who waits for me at the top floor.

From the sound of the guards voice, and his facial expressions, its almost like Valentino has been waiting for me the entire time.
When the doors finally open, I see a gorgeous suite, one giant window that wraps around the entire top floor to reveal the city and its view.

There are pink carpeting, dark purple couches, a few surround sound TVs, and sitting on the large red velvet the Moth Demon himself.


I step out of the elevator, and approach him.
He looks up at me, smiling, revealing his fangs and one golden tooth that sparkles in the right light.

"Well well well, we finally meet," he speaks. His voice sounds soft, creamy almost, and his tones deliver a seduction that any demon could fall for.
Except for me.

He rises from his chair, revealing just how tall he really is.
He towers over me, and I try not to gulp standing in front of him. I feel his hand gently touch my chin. "Y/N...what a lovely name, for a doll like yourself."

✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now