Ch. 8 ✨Vox✨

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*The Next Morning*
*Y/N's POV*

Alastor has barely muttered a word to me.

He kept himself locked in the bathroom for practically an hour last night, and I stood outside the door, listening to his breathing. I almost knocked, wanting to have him talk to me about what happened, if I did something wrong.

But I knew that it wasn't the right moment to do, that Alastor just wanted to be alone.
So, that's what I gave him. I went to bed, my attempt to make him happy, defeated.

When Alastor finally came out of the bathroom and got into bed, he turned so that his back faced me, tucking his hands under his head as his body curled in a fetal sleeping position...

*Memory flashback*

I roll to my side. "Alastor?"
He doesn't respond.
I reach and place my hand on his back, gently, afraid that he'll reject me if I do anything more.
"What's going on, honey?" I dare to whisper, licking my lips that just went dry.
He curls into a ball. "I'm just tired, Y/N," he responds, his voice sounding stressed, hurt.
"It isn't you," he blurts out, "you are not the reason why I...ran."
"Then what is the reason?" I ask softly, feeling his back lower as he exhales a breath.
"I fear that whatever is happening, I must go through it alone. You...can't do anything to fix it."
My eyes widen, and I pull my hand away.

*End of flashback*

He finally admitted to me that something is wrong, but he gave me the harsh truth along with it.

This morning when we woke up, we did our morning routine, except this time, Alastor didn't leap out of bed happily and threw the curtains open to let the Hell's sunlight inside.

Instead, he was the last one up, and dragged his feet downstairs to the kitchen.
I made the morning coffee, passing him his cup of black coffee while he sat and read the paper in silence.

I sat across from him, sipping my coffee, the silence an uncomfortable feeling.
On the usual mornings, Alastor points out something in the paper, and laughs about it, before he tells me a joke he just thought of that reminds him of what he just read.

Except this morning, he told no story, and no jokes.

When the clock struck 8:00, Alastor rose up and grabbed his coat, getting ready for the day.
I almost tell him that perhaps he should take a day off, but I bite my tongue.

He loves being in his broadcasting tower, spreading Hell's carnage.
It makes him happy...and I don't want to stop him from doing what pleases him.

I tell Alastor that I need to go grocery shopping, and he was fine with it.
He gave me a quick peck to the cheek, telling me he'll be home soon, before he leaves.

And now, here I stand, staring at the door he just walked out of.
Feeling powerless...and hurt.

I shake my head softly, reaching for my coat and spare house key, locking the door behind me before I walk down the stone steps, hand holding onto the iron railing that's shaped like a hedge of roses all the way down.

When my feet touch the pavement of Hell's streets, I throw my hood over my face and walk in silence, past the demons.
Before I became adjusted, I was afraid to walk these streets.

✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now