Ch. 19✨Face To Face✨

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*Y/N's POV*

Instinctively, Angel grabs my arm and yanks me partially behind him, his left hand gripping his pistol a little tighter. 

Donovan chuckles. "Though it is always a pleasure to see your beautiful face, I can't help but notice you were touching something that belongs to me," he raises his crystal ball in the air, summoning his shadow to take it somewhere else. 

Dread fills my stomach as I watch the shadow fly through the room, taking the ball with it. 

Angel glares at Donovan when he begins to step closer to us, his boots making a clicking sound against the polished floor, while his hands are clasped in front of him. 

"Now, what do you think you're doing, hmm? Couldn't get enough of me?"

"Fuck you," I growl, and he laughs. "You sound so adorable when you swear," he pushes past Angel to caress my chin, "quite lovely."

Angel pushes him away, causing Donovan to stumble a little, before standing up straight once again, looking at Angel as if he's ready to slaughter him. 

"Well, that was rude," he points out when suddenly, a black, long leather whip with a silver handle appears in Donovan's hand, his lips twisting into an evil smirk as he positions his feet. "Do you know what happens to those who disrespect me?"

He raises the whip, and that's when all hell breaks loose. 

Angel raises his guns to begin shooting, before he shouts in pain as the whip makes contact with his hand, making Angel drops his guns. Donovan leaps into the air, using his whip again to separate me from Angel. Standing in between me and him, he snaps his fingers, and before any of us could grab the guns, they melt into a pile of hot metal, becoming one giant mound in the polished floor.  

 Donovan turns to whip me, causing me to jump and trip, falling hard to the ground, before I roll out of the way of Donovan's whip coming down. It grazes my skin, leaving a giant red mark on my arm, and I shout out in pain. 

Angel runs up, jumping on Donovan's back to try and get the whip out of his grip. Donovan stumbles, his hands trying to pry Angel's arms away from him, before he manages to get Angel off balance, then using the whip to hurt Angel. 

I hear Angel shout, and rage makes me run and kick Donovan in his back, which causes him to stumble forward, before turning and throwing a punch right to the left temple of my head. 

The sudden contact makes my vision blurry, our surroundings spin, as a ringing sensation pulses through my ears, causing me to collapse on the ground, raising my hands to my head and gritting my teeth to try and make the pain go away. 

Donovan stands back up but is attacked by Angel again. He tackles him to the ground, the two of them rolling before Donovan flips him so that he's on top, blood drips from his bottom lip when Angel made contact with his fist. 

The expression on Donovan's face is pure fury, as he leans down closer to Angel, his voice becoming darker and more demonic by the second, and his gray eyes becoming black eyeballs, leaving no trace of white...

His teeth shape into sharp white fangs, as his hands extend and grow into long, thin, clawed fingers. 

Angel's eyes widen as he tries to get Donovan off of him, but it's too late. Donovan raises a fist, and with a growl, he knocks Angel out. Blood dripping from Angel's head onto the polished flooring, as he lays limp on the ground, his head tilted to the side.

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