Ch. 18 ✨Underground✨

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*The Next Day

*Y/N's POV*

"You cannot just STORM an Overlord's house! Especially when it comes to someone like DONOVAN! Let's just sit down and we'll all discuss a better way to do this!"

Charlie walks behind me as I go from corner to corner of the hotel room Alastor stays in, my hands grabbing whatever I will need for this journey. Alastor has no idea about what I'm going to do, and deep down...don't have the heart to tell him. If I tell him, he will do anything in his power to stop me. 

And stopping me is something we can't do right now. With each passing second, Alastor is getting closer to the demise. If I wait any longer, he'll die. 

And Donovan will win. 

I'm not going to sit by and allow this to happen, not while I breathe. 

I turn to face a panicked Charlie, who is begging me to stay, to try and think of a better plan instead of sneaking into Donovan's house, which is exactly what I'm going to do. As stupid/and crazy as it may sound, it's my only option.

"I don't have time to waste," I reply, "this is something I need to do that is a now or never situation. And I'm not choosing never," I push past her, grabbing my coat that's hanging off the deer antler coatrack in the corner of the room beside the wooden door.

"Y/N, this is really, really dangerous. Please, you can't do this alone."

"She ain't doing this alone," Angel suddenly opens the door, his four hands holding guns and pistols. 

My eyes widen. "You aren't coming."

"The fuck I ain't," Angel responds, "you honestly think you can sneak into this weirdo's house, steal this weird ball, and smash it before this guy finds you? You're dreaming." Angel adjusts his grip on the pistol. "You need me to be there. In case anything happens, if this plan of yours backfires, you need me there to protect you. Cause I don't know if you got the guts to shoot someone when the time comes."

"Angel..." I sigh. Deep down he's right. I don't have the guts to kill anyone if that time comes...I'm thankful that he cares enough about me to join me, but at the same time, I can't allow him to go along with this.

"I can't risk losing anyone to this."

"But you'll risk yourself?!" Charlie demands, "you aren't going at this alone!" 

I look over my shoulder at Charlie, before Angel speaks up again, his hand placing itself on my shoulder.

"We're here for you toots, don't pull an Alastor stunt and think you can handle this yourself, because really, you can't. Let me help you...consider it a thank you for kicking Val's ass when I never had the guts to do it."

Angel snickers at his joke, and I can't help but chuckle a little myself, but its short lived.
I look at him. "You sure?"

Angel smirks. "You know me babe, I got this," he winks, draping one of the rifles over his shoulders, turning to head out of the door.
In my dream, Elizabeth said Donovan lives underground...which means either we find some place that'll bring us to lower ground, or we use a portal.

✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now