Ch. 16 ✨True Colors✨

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*Three Days Later*

*Y/N's POV*

Alastor has barely opened his eyes in these past few days. When he does, it's for less than five minutes before he falls back into a deep, deep, slumber. 

Once he falls back asleep, nothing wakes him back up. 

At some point, Angel Dust thought he was dead, and to prove that he wasn't, Angel took two pans and smashed them together over Alastor's head, which caused Alastor to stir slightly, but not wake up. 

Which was honestly a good thing, because if Alastor had woken up, he...probably would have killed Angel. 

Still though, seeing Alastor in this state only makes me panicked. If this is a sign of the demise reaching its point, I'm running out of time. 

No matter what I read, or who I ask, no one knows the name to the Overlord who causes this demise. 
I even made a few enemies trying to get this name. To name a few, Valentino and Vox are enemies now.

I went to Vox the other day, trying to ask him if he knew the name of the Overlord, which only led to Vox becoming a big, egotistical asshole, who then added me to his death list next to Alastor's name when I tried to use force to get a name.

But...I continue to come back to the spot I'm stuck in.
No name.

I sigh, letting my head fall on the blanket, hands clenching at my sides. Alastor is still in a deep slumber, he hasn't woken up for going on three hours, and his breathing is slow.

I'm losing him...slowly, but surely.

I raise my head when I hear Angel Dust open the door, the look of slight confusion and fear in his eyes puts me on alert.


"Some guy is here to see you," Angel says awkwardly, stepping aside for the man dressed in a black and gray suit with the very familiar black cane with the plague mask handle.

My stomach twists, and dread fills every corner of my chest, entering my bloodstream.

Donovan smiles at Angel. "Thank you, you may leave now." He turns towards me. "Hello Y/N, long time no see."
My eyes widen, as I glance a look at Angel and Donovan. I want Angel to stay, but Donovan's intimidating presence is making Angel Dust slowly slip out of the door, shutting it behind him.

Leaving me alone with the man I do not want to see right now.

He approaches me, bowing. "Such a pleasure to see you again," he kisses my hand, which sends a cringe pulsing through my veins feeling his wet, and cold lips touch my skin.

His eyes glance at Alastor. "How is he?" he asks in a soft whisper.
I look at Alastor. "Not too good," I touch his arm softly, exhaling a breath as my head lowers. "It's the demise."

Donovan doesn't say anything, not at first, but he exhales a soft breath. "I suspected it."
I look up at him, a thought coming to mind.

What if...he knows the name to this overlord who causes this demise? Charlie did tell me once that Donovan is one of the oldest living Overlords of Hell...
He must know.

I rise to my feet. "I got information about what causes this demise. Excuse me who causes this demise," I clear my throat, "its an Overlord."

Donovan's eyes widen for barely a micro second, before he straightens his coat. "Really? How interesting."

✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now