Ch. 12 ✨Forgiveness✨

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*The Next Morning*
*Y/N's POV*

Mom's voice echoes up the staircase and through the cracked door, telling me to get up and come down for breakfast.

I groggily open my eyes. Only three hours of sleep last night...
Well, the other night wasn't any better.

Exhausted, I slip out of bed and head to the bathroom for a quick five minute shower to at least appear to my parents that I had a good nights rest, though that's the farthest from the truth.

After I'm cleaned and my hair is brushed, I head downstairs for morning coffee and a simple breakfast with the folks.
Funny...being here reminds me of when I was little kid, running downstairs in my little colorful PJ's, excited for what was going to be today's breakfast.

The innocence and simple times as a child, how I wish I could rewind time just to get that back.

While I sip at my coffee, I listen to Mom and Dad chat about something that's been written in the morning paper.
I'm pleased to be here, but some moments, I find it hard to be in front of there presence.

For multiple reasons: One being that I should be with Alastor, helping him, and two because of the fact that while I stand in front of them, they still see me as there independent, hard working, single, daughter.

I've never told them about Alastor, and nor will I.
We agreed that it would be best for my parents never to know about keep there minds at ease.

I feel a little wrong lying to them, especially when my Mom asks me if I'm dating someone, and if I'll have kids anytime soon.

I shake the thoughts away, trying to clear my head for at least a moment of peace, but the sudden head of blond hair braided back, and a pale doll face appearing outside the window makes my fingers squeeze the cup so tight I almost break it.

That's Charlie outside...and she looks panicked.

She stares into the window, biting her bottom lip when she sees my parents right there.
She raises a hand and waves me outside, but when I respond with a shake of my head, she exhales a panicked breath before breathing on the glass and writing with the tip of her finger.

Alastor is in danger.

My eyes widen, and instantly, I rise from the chair, excusing myself before I go outside to see Charlie standing out there, twisting her hands nervously.

"You...have lovely parents," she tries to compliment through a nervous smile.

"What do you mean he's in danger?" I ignore her compliment, getting straight to the point.
Charlie looks left and right in case of any passing humans, before continuing speaking.

"He collapsed yesterday in the hotel hallway, and I've been texting Vaggie and she said he hasn't woken up yet. Y/N," she grasps my shoulders, "you need to come back."

I nod, before realizing that my parents are right inside.
I exhale a breath. I want to leave right now, but I need to go explain to my parents first before I go.

I glance at Charlie. "Go back to the hotel. I'll be there as soon as I can."
She nods, snapping her fingers and disappearing without a trace.

✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now