Ch. 13 ✨Searching For The Lost✨

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*Few Days Later*
*Y/N's POV*

"...demise, demise, mmm, oh, here we go," I groan under my breath, going through my fifth book today, and bracing myself to read a sixth book.

I raise a hand to the bridge of my nose, feeling exhausted to the core from how much I've read in just three days.
My head hurts, I've barely had time to eat or sleep.

Alastor's been trying to help as much as he can, but he's still bed ridden and is only able to read for about half an hour before a sick spell comes over him and he falls asleep again.

So, its mostly just been me and Angel trying to figure this out.
None of these books have any information on this...demise thing. Nothing that I don't already know.

I lower my book, exhaling a sigh before I hear Angel come into the library I've been living in for the past three days.

"Y/N," he puts both hands on my shoulders, "you need to break."
"No," I shrug him off, picking the book back up. "I need to find the answers."

He sighs, coming to the front of me and pulling the book out of my hands.


"Look, your not gonna find any info in these books," he tosses the book to the floor before sitting on the table. "This shit was always hush hush."

I stare up at Angel, before I flop my head in my hands.
"Why is there always something stopping me at every damn turn?" I mumble to myself.

Angel puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "There there, toots, it'll be alright. But hey," he smirks, leaning down towards me, "you still got me."

"Joy," I roll my eyes sarcastically, rising from my chair and going towards the left side of the library, searching for more books.
Angel sits quietly behind me, eyes staring down at the wooden flooring beneath us.

I raise a hand to my chin, the wheels in my head turning.
"This is something that effects Overlords, right?" I turn towards Angel.

He looks up at me, shrugging before laying on the table, throwing his arms out. "So far, that's what it's been known for," he raises a hand, looking at his nails, "but hell, it could happen to any damned sinner down here."

"And nobody knows the root cause of it?" I ask. How the hell can something this threatening not be known more. Why does nobody know the answers as to WHY it happens?

Angel furrows his brow, bringing a finger to his chin, deep in thought. "That's a tricky one, toots," he responds, sighing and over- exaggerated breath. "This is making my head hurt," he whines like a little kid.

I set a book down on the table beside him. "How do you think I feel?" I respond, sitting down and putting my elbows on the table, chewing on my bottom lip.

There has to be someone who knows more about this...knows why it happens, and knows how to fix it.

Suddenly, something sparks in my heads.


I look at Angel, "the guy you work for, Valentino, isn't he an overlord?"
Angel sighs, annoyed, "why the fuck you bringing him up?"

✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now