Ch. 7 ✨An Attempt To Make You Smile✨

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*The Next Night*
*Alastor's POV*

My mind seems to be clouded these past few days.
I find it hard to think straight, moments of exhaustion has randomly taken over me when I least expect it...

And worse, I'm more irritable to Charlotte, and even Y/N.

My hand squeezes the golden door knob to my home, but I don't open it yet.
I inhale a shaky breath, feeling a wave of sickness wash over me, starting in my chest, rising up the back of my neck to my head.

A thing that's been happening to me today for some reason.
There isn't a chance I'm sick with an illness, I'm already dead! I cannot get sick.
But...for some reason, I feel like I'm losing bits and pieces of myself.

I find it...hard to hold my smile.

Finally, I open the door to my house, before my eyes widen at what I see.

Roses displayed everywhere, even petals are scattered on the floor.
The lights are dimmed, and the main room is barely lit from the tiny little candles.

I squint, trying to make sense of everything, and where Y/N could be, before my eyes fall on her, her heels making a clink sound as she approaches me.

My eyes widen, and my breath hitches.

She isn't dressed in anything fancy, she merely wears her usual nighttime pajamas with her slippers, her hair combed back, slightly damp from a freshly taken shower. The smell of lemon soap coming off of her...

Her smile is soft on her face, brightening when she sees me. The way her eyes meet mine, as if I'm what she's been waiting for, what she loves most in the world...
It makes me feel like I'm more then just an overlord of Hell.

She is lovely...absolutely lovely.


"Welcome home, honey," she says, coming up to me as her hands delicately strip my jacket off, hanging it on the antler coat rack in the corner.
She looks over her shoulder at me, and just like that, any icky feeling I've been dealing with all day is gone.

The smile forms on my face, once again.

*Y/N's POV*

Oh boy, Angel made this sound easier then it is. But standing here right now, I feel nervousness flood my chest, pressing down in a heavy uncomfortable manner on my chest.

I try to control my breathing. Why am I so scared? It isn't like Alastor and I have never been on dates, we're engaged to be married for Pete's sake! Of course we've been on romantic dates.

But still...I find myself nervous.
Because Alastor is mostly the one to start the romantic dates, and romantic moments.

I'm not too well practiced at starting hopefully, I don't screw this up.

Alastor shuts the door behind him, setting his staff aside before he approaches me.
"What is all of this, darling?" he asks, staring at all the work I've done that took me three tireless hours to do.

"It's a date," I smile, clasping my hands, "tonight, we're going to take a walk down memory lane." I turn, "come to the kitchen for dinner. Our first stop at our memory lane trip."

✨Only In My Fears✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now