Context of the Starlight Universe

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So this is basically just me giving you guys an introduction into the starlight universe, a basic history lesson of the world i created so that you don't get confused diving into the book.                                                                                                                                                                                       xx

The story exists in a supernatural world where all types of creatures lurk like witches, vampires, werewolves, fae-folk, supernatural hunters, some humans and some other creatures which will be introduced further down the line. The supernatural world runs parallel to the human world (but is 3 time bigger) and the magical world has several gateways or portals to the human world created as a result of a spell gone wrong by a dark witch about 1700 years before our current timeline and the portals have since been stabilized and fortified with charms to only let supernaturals with good intentions (ones that won't lead to exposure) through them, still as a backup measure an enclave which has been created where each portal opens that trains some special humans to fight any threat which may come through and the enclaves also get witches, werewolves and some vamps or fae in their ranks for better support. The magical world has 7 kingdoms in total, whose kings or queens form the imperial council for any decision that is to be taken on befalf of the whole supernatural world.

The 7 kingdoms and their rulers are:-                                                                                                                          1) Aldorra, the kingdom of dreams, nightmares and desires- ruled by Queen Viola Shadowcrest of The Shadowcrest Family                                                                                                                    >Shadowcrests are known for dealing in secrets as some are disclosed to them via their powers and some they manipulate or get out of people.                                                                                                       > They are the 2nd most powerful clan after the Drakbornes

2)Nycteria, the kingdom of shadows and darkness- ruled by King Anthony Darkborne of The Darkborne Family                                                                                                                                                                   >Darkbornes are known for being manipulative, cunning and always 2 steps ahead of everyone, they often trick and deceive to get to their goals but are rigidly loyal to family.                                         >They are at present the most powerful clan (after the labonair tragedy 10 years ago)

3)Sonaris, the kingdom of ancient magic and magical creatures- ruled by Queen Aria Labonair of The Labonair Family                                   >The Labonair name was once resonated with the most wise, capable, powerful and knowledgeable witches and warriors who were revered by everyone .                                                                                                                   >They stood at the top of the chain but took a downfall after Thalia, the twin sister of the queen tragically died leaving the family vengeful and reclusive. So for the last 10 years no-one has had close contact with the Labonairs and they have become volatile and unpredictable as the seemingly trust no-one.

4)Verdantia, the kingdom of light, knowledge and nature- ruled by King Thomas Dawnwood of The Dawnwood Family                                                                                                                                                      >The Dawnwood are the most righteous, truthful and respected clan. They are the gatekeepers of eons of knowledge and records and their opinions are often revered by others.                                > They had a pretty great relationship with the Labonairs before their reclusive turn and the disappearance of the twin daughters of king thomas.

5)Luporia, the kingdom of moon- ruled by King Stephen De Luca of the De Luca Family.                                                                                                                                                                               > The De Lucas are a huge werewolf clan that are one of the most formidable warriors and killers with undying loyalty to each other and are also known for wild parties and debauchery.                                                                                                                  > Theirs is a one of the oldest werewolf packs to ever exist along with the very elusive and rare crescent pack.

6)Sanguinaria, the kingdom of scarlet shadowlands- ruled by Queen Patricia Muriel of the Muriel Family.                                                                                                                                                                            >Muriels are known for their stealth, highly powerful vampiric abilities, and enviable combat skills and cunning and deceptive nature.                                                                                                                    >the kingdom used to home to the very rare blood fae (who were cousins to the muriels) who are found only if they want to be found.                                                                                            

7)Tacticonia, the kingdom of war, strategy and medicine- ruled by King Ivan Roquefort of the Roquefort Family.                                                                                                                                                                     >They are known for their proud and intelligent nature and they possess the intellect to win wars just by strategy.                                                                                                                                                                                       >They are also known for their strides in new discoveries and tend to keep them a secret which they reveal when its most beneficial to their kingdom. 


That's it about the kingdoms. please note that the citizens of the kingdom are of all variety and not limited to the kind of supernatural the royal family is. There are few characters in the story who were human first but were eventually turned into a magical being or they were a supernatural being living in the human world while protecting their secret.

The Fae folk are magical beings with variety of powers based on what type of fae they are and whether they were blessed with the blood of a benevolent or a malevolent or a mix Iritzae - who are a divine being i.e a messenger of the God of the Faefolk, Raphael.

   In this world the nature only allows the existence of a few mix-breeds who are physically, mentally, spiritually and morally competent enough to handle the mix of various powers. Whereas in most cases the child goes through a merge of powers at birth where the more dominant and powerful one consumes the other power or nature thus only one power remains.

So glad this is done people..coming up next are the main characters and semi-main characters. Stay tuned the fun is just beginning.  Please comment, share and vote if you liked my vision so far.


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