Chapter 2 - Magical Signature and Confusing Prophecies

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Welcome back reader. I had a bank of 3 chapters and this the last one and i am going to have to start writing the next one so it will take a few days so please be patient. Enjoy!!


Chapter 2


I look through all the data that Aiden sent through and start to get a basic idea of the target location which seemed to be a small town called 'rehiya' at the edge of Sonaris,the kingdom of ancient magic and magical creatures. Sonaris is rumored to be the birth place of all magic and initial supernatural world, home to various powerful temples and monasteries, it's royal family and some covens rooted there are directly linked to original inhabitants of the kingdom who were very powerful witches, warlocks, dragon-lords(but those are practically extinct as there hasn't been a single dragon seen in 500 years) some of whom possessed rare elemental magic and very advanced technological intellect which become even more rare when sonaris opened its doors to different races allowing them to settle down keeping with the peace treaty that promoted diversity in all seven kingdoms.

I plan to do some reconnaissance around the area today and ask around if anyone has seen or heard something out of the ordinary till noon and then follow up on any leads I find in the second half of the day. I quickly change into a white tank top, black skinny jeans, with my combat boots and a leather jacket in case it gets chilly. With finesse I strap on my knives to my body with one in each boot, and 4 on the inside of my jacket; I strap a small gun filled with bullets spelled with a little dark magic of my own and finally pull my hair into a ponytail away from my face. As per usual I cast a protective spell to hide my aura from anyone who wishes me harm so that they can't identify and attack me but in case they do i am able to revive myself. With a final check of everything i need i exit the glorious apartment(one of 9 luxury safe houses my father owned across every kingdom in each worlds- ours and human and left for me) and portal to a remote warehouse situated in the area between the human world portal(that opens into the france enclave) and the northern boundary of the town rehiya and quickly set up everything in case i do find the supernatural today and have to bring them here for questioning. After a few moment's hesitation I get a hold of my resolve and first and foremost portal to the gateway to the human world and enclave and add some extra layers of fortification spells to it to avoid the supernatural's escape into the human world and potential harm to enclave members and humans, then I portal to the north entry gate of the town and carefully walk into the mysterious town. Sticking to the plan i ask a passing by teenage boy for the quickest route to the town square which would be bustling with people who might know something about anything and start heading towards there, i look around and get the vibe that this town seems to be hiding something and it sure isn't gonna be good for others, I covertly question the citizens here and there who are of different variety: some witches, vamps, werewolves and other kinds of shifters and fae folk who i make a point to ask about anything strange going about to get the most truthful answers (since they can't lie) but they too are adept at twisting their words to hide the real truth. From all the people i talked to i gather that most haven't seen or heard anything amiss but a few have heard some weird noises coming from the town's old town house that has been closed but has been there from the time of the original settlement. I still feel there was something more i needed to know so i decide to go the bar some people were raving on about and ask around there because sometimes the drunkards know a few things no one else does but before that i look around and on finding no one of note looking at me or around me i portal to the human world gateway near the southern town boundary where the magical signature was picked up and quickly search the area for the creature in question or any traces that may lead to him/her finding nothing i repeat the spells i cast for the french portal to fortify and reinstate this portal (which opens into the London enclave which i just visited a month ago), feeling satisfied with my work i huff out a breath of relief and then suddenly i notice an old building more of a mansion like rec center but in very ominous state probably due to its lack of maintenance because of it being abandoned and then i see the sign that says original town hall and the suspicion that this townhall has something to do with the magical being running loose grows.

To get more info on this town hall I portal to the bar with the intent to ply some drunkards with alcohol and get some answers in return. As i cross the threshold of the bar, my super hearing starts to pick up some commotion sort of like a fight, i try to ignore it and go about my way but something inside me just doesn't let me..huh weird, anyway my curiosity gets the better of me and i compose myself and try to pin point the exact place the noises are coming from and follow it to come across a door most probably leading to the back alley. I carefully step out and observe the scene unfolding in front of me - A women most probably in her 40s that looks like a waitress is being backed into a corner by two very drunk burly looking middle aged men with knives(that alone telling me something fishy is going on), the waitress however notices my presence and meets my eye with a pleading look as if asking for help and within seconds i superspeed just behind them and snap both of the guys's necks and the woman breathes a sigh of relief, i say "your welcome by the way and if you don't mind me asking what the hell was that about". Seeming unsure for a few moments she says "I saw these two trying to sneak out the back exit without paying and so i followed them out and confronted them, at first they seemed decent enough and one of them kept going on about how they are very worried because one of their buddies went near by the old town hall and has been missing ever since and then suddenly both whipped out their knives and tried to corner me probably trying to scare me so i let them go without paying that was when you came and know the rest."

Well well that was easy..didn't even have to work for it ,seems i was right about the town hall. I should probably not waste more time and hurry there now. "Um hello whered'you drift off to" comes a voice that pulls out of my thoughts and i remember that i almost forgot about the woman standing in front of me (ughh i'm super alarmed that i forgot she was here and got so comfortable..but i digress). Usually i wouldn't have even batted an eye and told her to mind her business but i find myself saying "Don't worry about it..but should however worry about yourself though and try to avoid situations like this as there might not someone around to help you out the next time."

At that her eyes shine with something i don't quite understand. As i start to walk away, she stops me by my elbow and says "You look somewhat familiar yet utterly foreign..are you from somewhere around here?" Oh lady if you only knew. I shake my head and say "Nope never been here before..this is my first time in sonaris altogether."

She doesn't seem to buy that but decides not push further and says "Oh well i hope you like it here. Anyway you should come inside i'll pour you some tea..on the house as thank you"

What the actual hell..this is taking way longer than it should, i need to ditch this place..the sun will go down in a few hours and i need to get to the old town house before that. I try to refuse her but she drags me by the elbow and practically forces me inside as i ask myself over and over why I thought checking out the noise from earlier was the way to go. I figure being difficult right now might raise suspicion so i follow the woman and take a seat at the table nearest to the exit..

After 5 minutes or so she brings me the promised tea and takes a seat opposite to me as though she already knew that i would bail without drinking the tea whole and she needs to stand over my head until i finish it. I eye her partially as drink the tea and as soon as set the cup down she takes it in her hands and starts to look at the tea leaves like they're the most interesting book in the whole wide world.

Ah so the plot thickens..she's a seer of sorts i deduce from her glowing eyes currently zeroed in on the leaf pattern on the cup. The minute her eyes stop glowing she starts to look at me weirdly and although i expect a half-assed fully confusing prophecy about who knows what she just says two sentences and then smiles and leaves me to my now utterly confused thoughts.



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