Chapter 8: kitty's got claws

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Welcome back people!! Sorry i got a lil delayed but to make up for it i am going to give you the next update pretty soon . Chapter 9 will be up tomorrow. GO read and have fun and lemme know what you think. BE INTERACTIVE READERS GUYS.



What the actual hell is going on out here?

Although not entirely inconceivable that these shadow warriors have followed me from Sonaris to the Academy, what truly baffles me is how and why they are able to do so. Who sent them? What do they want from me? And why are they so persistently oblivious to the hints I've thrown their way?

The phrase "unable to take a hint" drags my mind back to the entitled, conceited royal pricks standing there, apparently waiting for God knows what. I slowly saunter up to them and say, "Hey assholes, are you gonna get that stick out of your asses anytime soon and help out, or should I just redirect those moronic shadows to you so they can kill your ass and save me the trouble?" I direct my words at the guy in the middle, who stands there like he owns the place, flanked by Dumb and Dumber.

Dumb, a vampire—most likely the Muriel heir, judging by his stance—chuckles. Dumber seizes the moment to flirt, smirking as he says, "Let's go back to mine, and we can get that stick you say is up my ass out together." The middle one remains silent, prompting me to take a good look at him: dark hair, even darker onyx eyes, sharp jawline, muscular yet lean, radiating an aura that suggests he could kill half the world if he wanted to. This one screams trouble, and from the looks of it, he knows it.

Shaking off the trance, I smirk at Dumber and reply, "Aw, someone thinks highly of themselves. Even if I wanted to, you couldn't handle me, vampire. And let's be honest here, I could kill you and do my nails at the same time, sweetheart."

That shuts him up, but unexpectedly, the middle one chimes in, "Oof, kitty's got claws, Leo. It's just not your day." He tilts his head at me, raising an eyebrow as though daring me to fight him on the revolting nickname. His voice, gravelly yet smooth, stirs something within me that I choose to ignore.

"As much as I'd love to chat with you ladies—and I don't—I have shit to handle. So either help out or get the fuck out of here before I get pissed and you lot end up on my shit list."

Muriel raises his hands in mock surrender, "By all means, captain, lead the way and tell us what to do."

I give them a nod and turn around to see Aiden and Emmet speaking in hushed tones, worry etched on their faces.

As we approach them, I say, "You do know most of the people here have advanced hearing and probably heard what you were discussing, right?"

Emmet chuckles nervously, "Ah, sorry, my bad. I do that out of habit sometimes."

Aiden snorts, "You've been with us for enough years, Parker. Get your shit together."

I give him a deadpan look, ignoring his comment. "Enough of the chit-chat, ladies. Tell me what you've learned about those little shits over there."

Both of them shrug and reply, "Well, they seem resistant to offensive fae magic and don't die no matter what."

As I'm about to say something, Muriel cuts in, "Not to break up whatever it is you're doing, but those rogue shadows seem to be figuring out the distraction tactic Shadowcrest here pulled."

I scoff, "Well, isn't that just peachy—" I'm interrupted by a whoosh of air, and the dumb part of the wonder twins stands beside me, saying, "Huh, finally tracked you down. Now would you be kind enough to inform me why you left us in such a hurry, woman? My sister practically screamed at me to see if you were hurt," he scoffs at the last part.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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