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Dear Reader.. this the prologue to book and before diving in please note that the book will have multiple POVs and it will be indicated at the beginning so don't get confused. Also do let me know which character do like the most at first impression and i know many of them haven't made an appearance yet but be patient all in good time. xx


I slowly open my eyes, my head still ringing from the huge impact of the fall i took courtesy of the earth shattering battle going on well....not so much battle but a real life sparring match for the savior of the school anyway. The savior in question is my hero and role model the legendary Seraphina Marshall (sera for the ones close to her) who just fought a herd of never before seen monsters like they were measly humans as if we weren't just getting our asses kicked before she got here and I being the imaginary hero that i think i am jumped right in the middle of the fight when the adults explicitly told me to evacuate with the other 13 year olds. Yeah i know very stupid but what can i say i have a knack for not following rules , besides its better to have fun and ask for forgiveness later and Sera will anyway save me so why miss all the good stuff for me to tell people afterwards, that also is how i know more about the upperclassmen school royalty (the four princes and their secretive queen nicknamed 'death' by them on account of her fierce and lethal persona) than was public knowledge.

In case you were wondering.. my name is Pedro Pascal. I'm 13,one of the many students of the very famous (well...almost as famous as the royal academy but close enough) Starlight Academy and a fairy. Yup you heard that right the supernatural world does indeed exist parallelly to and is 3 times bigger and complex than the human world, we have the basics: vampires, werewolves, witches and warlocks,and various shapeshifters, and fae folk that are spread across 7 kingdoms each charged with different aspects important for the working of the supernatural world. Enough history back to the present, as i very painfully gather myself and carefully take a seat against the pillar of the school entrance avoiding the fallen debris caused by the explosion Seraphina conjured which also led to my fall, i slowly take in the surroundings all the dead monsters that arrived due to the wrath of the now very dead necromancer who sought to expose our world as revenge for his 75 years long magically induced coma conjured by the ancestors of one of the founders of the school. Then i see her and boy is she a sight of true horror for her enemies..her silky straight yet wavy raven hair reaching till her waist covered in monster goo and blood, her violet eyes with golden markings in the irises shining with something i can't quite understand, her all black clothes- a crop tank top and leather pants are tattered with her signature combat boots enhancing her height of 5'10 and red balls of energy pulsing out of her palms from a spell i'm sure she was casting....she looks dangerous yet gorgeous with power and confidence oozing from her every pore and people wonder why me and the other 13 year olds have a fan club in her name. Standing beside her two on each side are her most trusted close-friends, the equally dangerous four princes (not literal except for aiden and roman but close enough with the devotion they garnered) of the school- Aiden, Carter, Roman, and Xander. Not far behind at the verge of passing out is her trusted adviser and good friend Emmet, the honorary fifth prince and her potential successor should she choose to pass on her leadership of the starlight circle. P.S the fact that she is the leader of the circle is a very closely kept secret for whatever reason that most people other than her inner circle are aware of.

As all of them take in the current situation Emmet and Roman huff a breath of relief that finally the constant danger the academy was facing for the past year and a half is over, Xander says a few words of gratitude and motivation to all those who fought today and everyone mutters a prayer for all those lost as result of all the past battles and the one that took place today.





Everyone seems so relieved that finally its over, the constant danger looming over them at last gone even though they are all shattered due to the loss they have endured. Me however, the sadness i know i should feel just doesn't seem to hit me as it used to the face of what all i have already endured losing one more person should be easy by now and that is what i believed about myself and my control over my emotions before i lost him-my boyfriend and someone i let in for the first time in years- Gabriel Clark the warlock who managed to see good in the so called "coldhearted" Seraphina i used to be before i met him but now he was dead because he decided to be a hero and a fucking martyr when the necromancer possessed him and he forced me to kill him thus ending our relationship which everyone already believed was doomed from the start what with prophecy made by Cleo our very own seer that he was destined to die by my hand.

Reminiscing about all this led to power leaking from my hands and causing the guys (Aiden, Car, Ro and Xan) to lose control of their powers and their eyes had started to glow and the magical aura had started displaying itself as though someone were wrenching their powers out of them, their creaking voices pulled me back to reality and i quickly rescinded the pulsing energy back into me before anyone else could notice something was wrong. To everyone at the school i was a very skilled and powerful monster hunter trained by the very best of supernatural hunters- our former headmaster Alaric Thompson and our current headmistresses Carol Faulkner (a former very powerful witch and now an ecliptomagus) themself and that i was a mix of witch, and werewolf abilities and technically an orphan...i was the most powerful creature at this whole academy and everyone knew that but only the guys, Emmet and Aurora who was like a sister to me knew that i was much more than i let on- about my dormant vampire side which was recently unlocked, several other powers which still hadn't manifested and that the world was not ready to see my actual power and full potential even the school's triplet witches and my somewhat friends Leia, Jo short for Josephine, and kylie knew that there was more about me that met the eye. I looked around and i spotted Pedro, as he met my eye he gave me a wink and sly shrug..he is like a little brother to me who was super annoying initially but slowly weaseled his way into the very short list of people i cared about, he also knew a lot of information that was generally on a need to know basis for others and if anyone so much as looked at him wrong they would have me to deal with and the little shit that he is he knew it and threw that in everyone's faces every chance he got in order to avoid any trouble; this time he's getting detention for breaking rules... i'll make sure of it as he needs a hard lesson on respecting authority and not sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Anyways it was time the academy security is improved ,things are restored back to order and everyone in this place is trained to fight and protect themselves as this was just the beginning and the war was yet to come. I can feel the superior entities warning me that the worst was yet to come and as usual the raw power inside me glows in my eyes at the thought, even Aiden " my partner in crime, the only one who knew everything about me (after gabe) as i did about him and was one of the people closest to what i had for family nowadays for we had a bond that clicked into place the day we saw each other- we were each other's parabatai, a bond so rare and unique that it gave us some special abilities others didnt have in a fight, since Aiden was the crown prince and future king of the kingdom of dreams, nightmares and desires - Aldorra and the leader of the elite Vampire guard we kept our bond a secret to prevent it from becoming a wide known fact so as to give us the element of surprise in battle" felt the truth as he met my ominous gaze with smirk having a glint of wickedness. He was a mix breed of a powerful elite shadow fae with the a stronghold in the elusive dream and nightmare world and on other people's deepest darkest desires and secrets and vampire like abilities he got from his mother who was a very rare blood fae (who were fae that got power from blood and had some of the vampiric strengths) giving him some of the same powers as mine making us kindred spirits thus it didn't surprise me that both our souls roared at the slowly approaching threat as though saying,"Game on Bitches". 


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