Chapter 7- Need some help sweets?

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Hello readers,  i from the bottom of my heart apologize for humongous delay but i had suprise tests, university shit to do so i couldn't write. To make it up i have also started a new book set in completely different universe from this one, it is called The Royal Gambit do check it out and show some love, i'll be starting the chapters on it very soon. For enjoy what you came for, there are the first appearances of some of the main characters. Do tell me what you think of them and their dynamics. This chapter is from the POV of another character and there will be many different POV going ahead to improve the understanding of the story.


The Starlight Academy(Place)

Aiden Shadowcrest

It's been 15 hours since my call with seraphina and i am still slightly concerned that she could have lost control while she is there and gain the wrong kind of attention, although i cannot argue that she is the best of us but sometimes she gets very involved in things and looses objectivity. And considering how her powers are going to be like for the next couple months i strongly think she should be back here where, if need be all of us can fight together as a team and she doesn't have to play the martyr. Huh its funny really that she knows Gabriel went in and become a martyr and died for it but that still doesn't stop her from doing the same as much as she likes for everyone to believe that she truly doesn't care about anything.

Pushing my assessment of the situation aside for the moment i make my way to the school gym as it's unlikely i will be sleeping now.

Sleep is a fickle thing for me..i rarely sleep for more than 4 hours and that too becomes impossible when something is on my mind and it's about a circle mission. My nature to strategize all outcomes and gather every piece of information takes over and in this case there are an alarming number of unknown factors so i cannot see the outcomes yet and that is what made sleep a distant thought.

Don't get me wrong i am not worried that something unwanted is going to happen to Seraphina. I know it is going to happen but if anyone can handle things like that best it would be her. What i am invested in is what series of events and consequences her little trip to magicland is going to kickstart, Faulkner should have known better..sera and sonaris is never a good combo and even someone as uninterested as roman could tell you that.

I huff a breath and focus on the workout and start punching the bag. After an hour of working out i finally get a sliver of calm in my body and head back to my room to take a shower and catch-up on the daily report of my kingdom, Aldorra- which earlier used to be via my shadow spies and the shadowplane of dreams and desires but now i get an official one as my mother found out and felt it was time i started taking some of the responsibilities.

So after a quick shower i dive into Aldorra Daily- unfiltered version.

As i was skimming the gossip section which is mind numbingly boring i come across a photograph of my mother and a certain bitchy tribrid i call my parabatai at our usual restaurant...huh sera met my mother and she didn't mention it during our typical of her.

I still remember the day my mother met sera 7 years ago and they both took an instant liking to each other, my mother liked her unapologetic and courageous attitude and sera found some inkling of the people she had lost in my mother and they formed an indescribable relationship i still do not understand especially when the both of them try to gang up on me leaving me outnumbered.

I am shook out of my thoughts at the alert ringing on my surveillance system which is much better than the one Emmet has developed and uses to keep seraphina informed of everything- a fact they think no one is aware of except he underestimates my silence for me being unaware when in fact i hacked their system the minute it went online 2 years ago so now i know everything they know.

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