Chapter 4-What day is it?

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As i step into the portal my imagination running wild formulating hundreds of possibilities as to where it's going to lead me. I collect my mind as the scenery around me changes and i take in the dimly-lit room around me. I cast the illuminating spell and a huge light orbs flows to the cetre of the what seems to be an armory of some sort with weapons of all kinds, a corner full of potions and magical supplies all of which was collecting dust.. "huh..interesting its almost as if someone used to live here" i murmur.

My werewolf senses suddenly pickup on a scent - another shifter but i hear no heartbeat. I spot the conjoining room and as i reach its door i sense a forcefield on the entry- a defensive boundary spell...oh how i would have loved to have leia with me she could have sucked the spell right off. I deduce the spell is probably in place to protect whatever is inside from someone who poses harm to it and since i don't mean harm atleast not yet anyways i take a careful step and when i feel nothing bad i step inside fully and that's when i see the ebony casket in an otherwise empty dusty old room, i speed over to the casket and open hoping to find a creepy rotting corpse or a skeleton by the looks of the place but that's when i see it..

An orange sheen like field swirling around her , a girl most likely near my age wearing 1600's clothing but looking like she hasn't aged a day since she must've been placed here. I call to magic and move my hands around the field and try to get a read on what kind of magic it is.

All i get is whatever it is very old magic and the spell seems to be some sort of very powerful god-level preservation spell,

"well shit" i say out loud, who ever put her here definitely meant to do it and i cannot seem to shake the feeling that she was purposefully placed here for me to find but i ignore it for now. I again call to my magic and say the incantation to the wake up spell a witch in new orleans taught me and i place my hand over her heart and blast the jolt of energy hoping to kickstart her heart and just as my magic touches her body i get a blast of magic reverted to me and i fall down and then the blackness takes me.

I then feel someone shaking me vigorously and feel drops of water on my body hurts due to energy shock and i slowly open my eyes and they meet a pair of green eyes with grey specks in them looking over me. I jolt upright and come face to face with sleeping beauty who is now awake. I clear my throat and say, " hello, my name is seraphina i am the one that woke you up and you are? "

" But aren't i the one that woke you up technically " she quips

" Well aren't you full of gratitude" i say sarcastically and she laughs at that and then says, "Someone's grumpy..i am sorry i was just teasing you, my name is Rose Lothaire, would mind if ask why you are dressed like that is it some kind of new fashion..if so its very scandalous "

I quirk an eyebrow at that remark and say " Scandalous! You cant even see anything naughty "

" Oh i forgot you are from a time where women dress like nuns.. Gosh i can't even imagine living like that."

She gets visibly shaken at that and says, " what do you mean my time? What day is it?"

I smirk and say, " Day! More like what year it is and before you ask it is 2021 and you have been a sleeping beauty for hundreds of years going by your clothing"

Her face drops at that and she exclaims, " What!! I have been like this for 385 years..Antoine told me it would only be a short while, oh my god that means it's gonna start any second now and sebastian is probably dead by now" whilst panicking. I try to calm her down and say, " hey calm down, what is gonna start any second and who is sebastian?"

" Seraphina listen to me carefully i come from a very rare coven of shifters and guardians, our lineage has only twin siblings in it, sebastian was mine and our abilities are dubious for the early years of your childhood but we have potential for a werewolf and a dragon and we go through an ascension ceremony with our twin at 20 years of age where we get bonded to our suitable animal but now that my brother is not here and i am guessing is dead considering how he left the last i saw him and i am very near my ascension as i was 20 the day i was put here so i could very well die and kill a lot of people since the second animal would have nowhere to go and surge of power would be catastrophic for this whole town and its surrounding cities"

My brains goes into overdrive at that and i let out a string of curses and tell her that i will try to slow down the process of her ascension as we think of something.

I make a circle of salt and light candles and draw energy from the moon as we sit in the circle hand in hand and start chanting the slowing spell using the full force of my magic

After half an hour the windows have shattered open and a whirlpool of wind is flowing in the whole room, i am positively drained and rose says, "seraphina you must let go and just kill me before you kill yourself too" i ignore her and keep chanting and then i see black and collapse.

I wake up a few minutes later as air rushes into my lungs and i jolt upright to see rose trying to hold onto her sanity for dear life.. She says, "you have got to keep collapsing near me i thought you were dead! I could not feel a pulse for a second there"

I deadpan at her and say, "Do you wish to die? I did that to try to save you be a little grateful"

The wind get more intense due to her losing control of the magic inside of her and just as she opens her mouth to retort she turns her eyes behind me and shrieks, i look over my shoulder and see a guy a hot af guy but a guy nonetheless , a 6'2 fair-skinned chestnut haired guy with the same green eyes as rose just that his are full of something i can't quite put my finger on and he looks at me with a very intense expression.

He who i am guessing is sebastian rushes to his sister's side and looks at her and nods.

Then cut their palms and join hands and start muttering a incantation i have never heard before in my life.. It goes on for a minute and then they both collapse.

" Well i am going to take a wild guess and say that was the infamous ascension..2 points to me" i say to myself as both of them are taking what seems to be a power nap.

I brace myself and get up on my feet, and say, "god i am in desperate need of a drink".



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