Chapter 6: The 20 Questions

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The wonder twins are gaping while looking around the house with a curiosity that is so amusing i don't even stop them but i figure that this is leading us nowhere and we would have plenty of time later to introduce them to modern day technology.

As i pour myself a glass of tequila from the liquor cabinet i turn towards them and ask, "Do you guys need a drink?" in hopes of plying them with alcohol so they loosen up and make it easy for me to get answers out of them

"I'll take fairy wine if you have some" rose says and snort in reply and say, "fairy wine what are we children..didn't you have any good booze back then, hmm considering every good kind of alcohol was invented after your time i'd say you are safe with a beer for now" and she nods

" I would love what you are have there darling" sebastian says

I pop a beer out of the mini fridge and pour another tequila for sebastian and hand them their drinks and say, "this is one of the few times i'm pouring you- a stranger a drink so you might as well remember it". They each take a sip and sebastian winces at the burn of the drink and i smirk at him as though saying i told you so.

" So take a seat if you will and we can get started with the 20 questions" i quip gesturing towards the couch and they settle down.

" Lets just address the elephant in the room shall we..Mr Lothaire how are you so very alive when even your sister thought you would be long dead.. Also follow up question why would you be long dead?" i ask and rose nods seemingly agreeing with my line of questioning.

He chuckles nervously and jokes, "Going straight for the jugular are we?"

"Your attempt at comedy to try and diffuse the tension albeit a well intended one is pathetic in reality so just cut the crap and answer the question" i cut back.

He clears his throat and says, "So starting at the beginning- during 1638 i got word there was war going on between our pack and the neighboring one so i wished to go and fight to save my people but 3 days before rose was put under the preservation sleep by antoine our combat and magic teacher i got wind of their plan to do this so that we are just in time to gain our powers and are ready for the heir of magic when he or she is of age and at that point in time the heir was not even conceived and it seemed rather odd to me that the sonarian council was not even taking our free will into accord and was treating us like pawns in their game and given that our parents were dead and antoine was the only one we thought we could trust i entrusted rose's safety to him and went to our birth city to help with the war but rose feared something would happen to me and could loose my life hence her belief that i were dead when she did not hear from me for 3 days"

He continued, "upon reaching there i found out that the news was fake and council was testing my loyalty to the throne and who i would choose between their directives and my desires. So they imprisoned me and i found out that antoine was on their side and he had already put rose to sleep but i fought my way out of that place and my loyal friends in the guard helped me sneak away so with much difficulty i reached the armory only to find antoine there, we fought each other that ended with him almost killing me but he took mercy on me and temporarily linked my the tiny sliver of life force i had left to rose and did a spell that technically rendered me dead but i would also come back to life when rose is reawoken by someone hence my turning up alive when you darling woke my sister up"

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