Chapter 1- Five Months Later

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Welcome's it goingg? This is officially the first chapter. My Semester Break is about to end soon. so i wont be updating so regularly but expect 1-2 updates per week. Also if you guys don't start voting or commenting ill be majorly pissed. For those who have sticked by my story so far thanks a ton. Do follow me so get notified whenever i update the book. Enjoy!




I wake up drenched in sweat from the recurring nightmare that's been troubling me for the past six months..'the same one where i wake up in a pool of blood not my own but his blood and that of the human i killed to complete my transformation unlocking my vampire side so as to give me enough power to be able to kill supernaturals possessed by the necromancer as he was raised using the blood of a witch, a vampire and a werewolf so, the only way to kill him and his army of freaky zombies was to use a weapon using the blood of those three creature but each time we failed and as a final resort i  unlocked my vampire side to gain enough power to finish him and his creatures for good. The necromancer sensed the shift in power, the change in the sky's color indicating that some kind of immense power had just been activated so he played to my only weakness at the time- my loved ones and killed Gabriel with a dark magic filled golden dagger, making him like one of his zombies and possessing him as i completed my transition. It was a trick to buy himself time because he knew all too well that i wont ever try to kill him while he was inside landon's body, who ultimately forced me to kill him which overwhelmed me to a point where i had to detach myself from all those emotions lurking beneath the surface.'

Pushing the painful reminders of the past deep into my mind I quickly freshen up and venture into the kitchen and conjure a latte for myself , just as I am about to take a sip of the coffee my phone starts ringing with Headmistress Faulkner's name flashing. I shrug a little and then pick up..."what can i do for you my lovely headmistress" i ask.

"And hello to you too seraphina" she says with a hint of sarcasm in her tone

I got that shit was going to get pretty serious now so i reply, "It's pretty early in the day for your reprimanding me, let's get to why you suddenly called"

"Ok, our sensors picked up a pretty strong unknown magical signature just recently awakened somewhere just outside Sonaris near the portal to the human world and I fear whoever it is could be dangerous to humans.... Since it's near where you are i figured that you could take care of it"

Aha i knew she wanted something "So by take care of it you mean kill it" i questioned already knowing the answer though.

"No absolutely not, stop trying to weasel your way out of coming back to the academy. I understood that you needed some time apart to process things but now its time to come back" she takes a beat and then says, " there have been some new developments and i want you here before it takes apprehend the target, question him if you like and bring him here. I think he could be related to everything that's been going on"

I knew i could not win this argument so i said, "Guess i'm coming back then... ask Aiden to contact me i need some details about the exact situation"

Without missing a beat she says,"perfect, hope to see you soon Seraphina" and she cut the call.

After a few moments a new realization dawned on me that soon i would be returning to the academy, the guys and Aurora whom i haven't talked to in ages (except for emmet who gave me weekly updates about the on goings of the Academy and the circle which is why i knew every single thing going on there but the others and Faulkner didn't need to know that) ever since i left the academy for this so called academy business about 8 days after the battle ended when i had gotten my affairs in order and made sure that everything would run swimmingly in my absence. To everyone i had endured a lot and needed this time to process everything but the hard truth was that the moment the shard i had magically fashioned from my blood pierced landon's heart i had shut off all emotions and feelings therefore i didn't need to process anything because i felt almost nothing at what all had occurred except for the incessant need to uncover the true reason for all the events that had trespassed because to me all this had to be connected to something much more complex and intense then some petty old revenge. Plus if the warning i felt that day when the battle ended was any indication we needed all the knowledge we could get for what's to come therefore i went around the continents and human world enclaves(where guardians and some scholars live to protect the human world and our secret from them) getting answers for the questions i had from the several underground networks i knew of and plenty of old acquaintances all while listening to any chatter about any impending danger and picking up some new skills, spells, techniques and ,methods was an added bonus.

As i pour myself a second cup of coffee i decide to call Aiden myself so i ring him up..after 4-5 rings the call is picked up by a very annoyed and breathless Aiden who growls, "argh death you have got to stop pissing on my parade, we were just getting to the good stuff" making my lips twitch and giving me all that i needed to know so i made my voice as cheery as humanly possible and say, "A very good morning to you too and how are you today?"

"Its 11:45 in the night here asshole, and now i have to sleep all by myself"

"Oh please don't you pull this tortured soul crap on me, your little fangirls might fall for it but i certainly don't..because i know you too damn well so i know when you're shitting me" he snorted in agreement so i continue, "I might be coming home actually just in time for you birthday" attempting to butter him up a little.

"Yea sure sera you're coming home because its my birthday i know all about the conversation you had with Faulkner and was already expecting your call so now tell what exactly do you need for this assignment of yours"

I read between the lines and figured that this manipulative bastard wanted me to make the first move so I would owe him one, choosing to pick this up later. I go straight to business. "I need you to send over every inch of detail regarding the target and its location, also dig up any suspicious activity in that area, any event of importance that took place there..basically give me everything you have".

"Sure thing, forwarding it to you as we speak though there isn't anything that could help the mission much." he replies with a bored voice, "need anything else?"

"That's all for now but keep your phone on for the next few hours in case i need intel in the field"

"No promises, but i'll try my best" he murmurs sleepily, "also Seraphina try not to get killed or captured there by garnering too much attention, we both know how much good that'll do".

"Aww thanks for the concern buddy and here i thought you'd stopped caring" i tease clearly deflecting the apparent unease going to Sonaris brought me.

"Yea well i can't exactly find a new parabatai now can i?.. Just keep a clear head and get out of there as quick as you can" he offers, trying to provide some comfort.

"Yup..not really my first rodeo but thanks for the advice" I say, dragging out that last bit.

"Okay but remember you owe me one" he says, back to being his usual self.

"Like you'd ever let me forget about anything" I snort as he chuckles so i continue, "also try not to scare the royal academy conceited pricks too much that they bail before the year has even started" i say referring to the student exchange program where they came to our academy two and a half week ago.

"Hey i'm more or less harmless, you should hear what kind of fear the guys are associating to the leader of the starlight circle and for some reason the idiots think you're just another guy and me and the guys have the same authority probably because our students don't refer to you by name just by the nickname we have given" this makes me grin, he continues- "their leader is that asshole i once told you about Nikolai Darkborne, the crown prince of the kingdom of darkness, Nycteria..his minions keep trying to gain favor with us, makes me seriously think they want something from us more importantly you"

Just hearing that name gives me a weird feeling but I squash it, " well whatever may be.. Meeting him surely won't be nothing short of interesting"

"Yea i can just imagine the look on their faces when they figure out who the actual leader is" he laughed darkly. We chatted a bit more about the circle's training progress as I received the intel he forwarded and then ended the call.



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