Chapter Five

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"You're sure you're up to this?" Freen asked as she tightened the cinch on the saddle belonging to the horse Rebecca would be riding on the trail that day.

Hers was already saddled, but she'd be handling Rebecca's tack for her. It was her responsibility to keep her safe, after all, and it wouldn't do to have the President breaking anything on a rather easy trail.

"I'm completely fine. Your sister said as much before we departed, yes?" Rebecca countered as she observed Freen over the saddle she was currently settling in place.


The corner of Freen's lips quirked slightly in amusement at the sudden, easy logic that Rebecca had laid down. Then again, she should have been used to that by now.

They'd been at Camp David for three days, now, and things were going as good as could have been expected. This ride was a good escape for Rebecca, who hadn't slept much. Who had been through quite a few frustrations regarding things that were far above Freen's pay-grade.

Yet, they were still things Freen was still happy to have Rebecca lean on her for.

Freen had even stayed up with Rebecca a night or two as she reviewed who she'd be entertaining the following day.

Yet, even with all this time they were spending together, there was never truly any time. Not until now. Now, it would just be the two of them enjoying an hour-long trail ride on a brisk morning.

Rebecca was almost nervous. It had been so long since she'd actually spent time one-on-one with anyone at all, much less Freen, who she'd started viewing as a friend.

"All set." Freen finally announced, offering Rebecca an inviting smile as she moved towards the stirrup Rebecca was approaching, standing still for her easily as her shoulder was used as a bit of a hand-rail for a moment.

Rebecca was still getting herself situated when Freen moved to her own horse and swung herself up into the saddle with an irritating amount of ease.

"Is there anything you don't excel at?" Rebecca asked slyly as she nudged her horse to catch up with Freen's.

" haven't asked me to fence with you, yet," Freen responded with a little chuckle that was so much warmer than the chill of the air outside the stables that were now behind them.

"Well, we'll have to set a date when we get back to Bangkok."

"Oh?" Freen asked, sounding like she was both hopeful and accepting of her fate all at once. "Do you miss it?"

"The Government House?" Rebecca scoffed with a look of disbelief thrown in Freen's direction. "I don't tend to miss places."

"What about people?" Freen countered. "Or are you immune to that, too?"

"I don't have many people to miss," Rebecca said, sounding oddly at peace with this reality.

Freen was quiet for a while before she started up again.

"You know...I know you were uncomfortable when Mind brought up your parents while I was in the room. I didn't know how to tell you this, or even if it would help but I'm adopted, too."

Rebecca was caught off-guard for a moment, and all she could do was fiddle with the reins she was holding in her hands until she finally managed to look at Freen, who had inched her horse just a touch closer to Rebecca's.

"Thank you for sharing that with me. Since you're feeling so open today, are you in the mood to tell me about that scar, yet?"

"Oh, this one?" Freen asked as her rather serious expression shifted when she pointed at her own face and smiled in a way that was almost silly.

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