Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Help!" Rebecca's voice was hoarse as the car just kept speeding along as it had been. No regard for Freen or for the agent probably still lying on the ground at the venue.


Rebecca was screaming, now. Angrily. Bitterly, as she lifted a hand to bang on the bullet-proof partition between her in the driver.

No response.

They were just driving.

"Fuck you!" Rebecca shouted at the driver as she began rocking for lack of anything else to do. "Fuck you!"

Rebecca had shouted and cried herself into a trembling, half-aware mess by the time they were pulling into an underground garage at the Government House she'd forgotten the existence of.

She only loosely recognized a few faces when the door was opened and Freen was pulled away from her. She struggled, then. She fought weakly against those that were trying to take her away.

"Rebecca, please,"

Her bleary eyes darted up to land on Mind, then. Mind, who looked about as pale as a sheet. "Let me help her."

Rebecca nodded weakly and finally released her grip on Freen's jacket.

She watched her for as long as she could while other agents and medical staff led her away.

Freen looked so small being put on the stretcher they'd brought out. She looked small, at least, until Rebecca lost consciousness entirely.

Until the combination of shock, grief, and what was probably a rather impressive concussion finally got the better of her.

When she woke, it would be in her own bed with a fresh bandage on the scrape on her face. Superficial, the nurse looking after her reassured her.

Wouldn't even scar.

Rebecca didn't care. God, she didn't give a fuck about scars right then. All she cared about was getting to Freen.

Yet, when she tried to get up, the nurse placed a gentle hand on her shoulder just when her head began to spin and she urged her back down.

"You need to rest, Ma'am,"

"No," Rebecca argued as she nudged the offending hand away and moved to the edge of the bed. "No, where is Agent Sarocha? I need to see Agent Sarocha."

"I don't know, Ma'am. My only concern right now is your well-being," The nurse explained in a tone that was both gentle and grating all at once.

"Well then I need you to check for me or I'm going to get out of this bed and look until I pass out and there's nothing you can do about it. Understand?"

Rebecca had never been harsh with her staff. Ever. She treated them like gold, and she had a wonderful reputation around the Government House. Maybe that's why the nurse looked at her with such understanding and sympathy even after the way she'd just been spoken to.

"Will you rest if I do that?" She asked with a furrow between her brows as Rebecca looked at her sharply for a moment before laying back down.

"Yes," She lied, rather convincingly.

The nurse sighed and fixed her pillows from where she'd messed them up in her graceless attempt at getting up, and made her way towards the door.

Rebecca was out of bed and finding her footing not even a minute after the nurse was out of sight.

It was night time. That much she knew. So it'd been at least a couple of hours since the attack. Or whatever it'd been. The nurse would've known, right? If Freen hadn't...

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