The First Lady - Epilogue

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It was fall, now. Light filtered through the falling leaves in speckles of gold and yellow, mottling the ground and the faces of all in attendance on their way down.

There was no need for a flower girl. The mountain trees, themselves, carpeted the aisle Freen was waiting at the end of. She'd chosen a suit. A beautiful, perfectly tailored affair all in cream and dusky colors to match the season they'd chosen. The location they'd chosen.

Not the Government House gardens. Not some extravagant church affair.

No, Freen was waiting for Rebecca at the end of a carpet of fall mountain leaves with a babbling stream as their backdrop.

The public hadn't expected this. A wedding in the mountains at an old, cherished cabin full of memories for both Rebecca and Freen. But Rebecca never did what was expected. And that's why everyone who knew her loved her so very much.

That's why the Thai people loved her so much.

And who wasn't a sucker for a good romance, anyway? Her approval ratings were at an all time high. Her re-election campaign was running flawlessly.

But none of that mattered right now. Not to either of them. Not when Freen's eyes lifted to see Rebecca at the end of the aisle with nothing but the sound of wind through the trees and water running over time-worm rocks to announce her presence. That, and the utter quiet that had fallen over all those who had gathered.

She was breathtaking standing there all by herself. There was no one here to give her away. Rebecca was the type of woman that didn't put much stake in all that. No, she would much rather give herself to Freen.

There would be so many photographs of the smile that spread uncontrollably across Rebecca's features when she saw Freen waiting for her - already wiping tears from her cheeks beneath the arbor that would serve as their altar. An arbor of woven branches decorated only by the very fallen leaves that had so graciously decorated everything else.

Rebecca's gown was almost as stunning as she was. White fading down into a champagne gold that gathered leaves in its lace along her journey towards Freen until finally she was standing in front of her. No veil to separate them. Just Freen's hand reaching out to take one of Rebecca's. They were both trembling as the woman they'd chosen to officiate began speaking.

More than once, Rebecca had to reach out to catch Freen's tears. It was only fair, as Freen kept doing the same for her.

The ceremony was beautiful in every conceivable way. Rebecca was glowing in a way Freen had never seen before with her sleek, dark hair pulled up away from her face. Freen was just as stunning, though, with a few waves of hair hanging loose from her composed bun of golden hair.

They were both beautiful.


And they were both so visibly, utterly enraptured with each other.

And then came the vows.

As though anyone in attendance needed further reason to shed a few tears. Least of all Nam, who had lost any and all professionalism the moment Rebecca had begun her walk down the aisle towards Freen.

Rebecca, arguable the most practiced public speaker Freen had ever known, had to take a moment to gather her thoughts before she began.

"Freen Sarocha...over the past four years you have taught me so many things. You've taught about bravery and about safety. You've shown me time and again those things both still exist in this world. I see them every morning in your eyes. I feel them every night in your arms. I would give my life for your own a thousand times over and love you long after. And I will love you after, Freen. Until the sun dims and the tides falter. Longer, still, than that. And I will keep you safe. The same way you've kept me safe all these years. Because another thing you've taught me is that everyone needs to be kept in some form or other. Even you, my darling. And I think the bravest thing you've done is allow me to keep you. I promise you with all that I am that I'll do just that. Always."

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