Chapter Twenty-Four

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Rebecca would've been lying if she'd said she was feeling herself. She was still sore. She still had a lingering headache.

But the aftermath of an assassination attempt was something she most certainly had to deal with.

Even if her heart wasn't in it.

Even if her heart was down a few secret corridors where Freen still hadn't regained consciousness.

The worst part, maybe, was the fact that nobody knew. Nobody knew how terribly she was suffering. How much she hated every moment of every day that wasn't spent in that room.

Especially today.

Today, when she'd finally had to address the press, an all-day ordeal that left her more exhausted than she could've prepared herself for by the time she was back in her rooms.

But it was important to present a brave face. An unwavering face. She had a country to lead. It didn't matter that her heart was broken in a million different ways.

She was so exhausted when she got back to her rooms that she almost forgot to thank her security detail. The agent that had trained so closely with her and Freen. Not the one that'd died in the attack, obviously.

That was something Rebecca could scarcely bear to think about.

She let out a shuddering breath when the doors shut, and she made a beeline for her bathroom. She was so laser-focused on escaping she didn't notice Mind sitting in one of the armchairs near the door until she'd almost walked past her.

But god, when she did notice her, a look of anguish fell across her features.

One that was so clear and so intense, Mind stood quickly and reached for Rebecca's hand to give it a quick, reassuring squeeze.

"Tell me this isn't...Mind..."

"No," Mind responded with a weak, exhausted smile.

"No, Rebecca, it isn't. She's awake. She's been awake since this afternoon. She's been debriefed and had higher-ups in and out of her room all day. At least, until I finally managed to chase them off. She's fine, Rebecca. She's going to be just fine. But she won't stop asking for you - so I came to wait for you the minute I got word you'd be on your way back."

Rebecca nearly collapsed. In fact, her knees went weak enough for a moment that Mind had to grip her by the elbows to keep her upright.

"I have to see her," Rebecca murmured urgently, steeling herself against the shakiness threatening to take over her limbs and turning right back around for the door.

"That's the plan," Mind said as she followed Rebecca quickly. "But I need you not to run. This is just supposed to be me giving you a checkup and taking you down for another scan."

Rebecca paused at the door and drew in as deep a breath as she could manage.

Her wits.

She needed her wits about her. She couldn't risk running off, again. The concussion had been a decent enough excuse last time. She wouldn't have one this time.

"I understand," Rebecca said evenly as Mind came to a stop beside her. "Will you give me a few moments alone with her?"

"I can give you like an hour, actually. If that works," Mind responded, reaching out to hold onto the handle of the door when it seemed Rebecca was about to attempt to open it.

"Please don't be too hard on her. She...she's under so many restrictions. And she's still in a bit of pain, though I'm sure she wouldn't admit to it."

"She's good at not admitting to things," Rebecca responded quietly, her eyes trained on Mind's beseeching expression.

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