Chapter Fifteen

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"Everything that I can't right now." Freen responded quietly, her fingertips digging into Rebecca's thighs as Rebecca's hand came to rest along the back of her neck.

Rebecca might have had more questions. She couldn't remember, now.

Not now that Freen's tongue had begun sliding over her like so much hot, wet velvet.

She wanted so many things. She wanted to tug Freen's hair free from the tight bun she kept it up in. She wanted to peel her out of every inch of clothing she was wearing.

But there wasn't time and this would just have to do.

As it was, the sensation of Freen's tongue lapping at her clit interspersed with slow, steady sucking was almost too much after so long. Even after last night.

Perhaps because this was so utterly different.

So contrastingly intimate.

And Rebecca was hissing curses under her breath whenever she could manage to get them out, which wasn't really all that often.

Freen was as good with her mouth as she was with her hands.

Rebecca's thighs were tensing and her hips were flexing so firmly that Freen had to tighten her hold to keep her close and still enough that she could continue doing what she was doing until Rebecca's nails were digging into the nape of her neck so hard that Freen was glad she didn't need to worry about her leaving marks.

"Keep going." Rebecca gasped as the first orgasm was still washing over her at the behest of Freen's tongue. "Don't s...fuck...Freen..."

Freen's eyes were riveted to Rebecca's face as she suddenly pushed herself from the floor.

Rebecca's head hit the pillows a moment later and Freen had two of her fingers buried in her, the tips of them curling upward as her tongue worked a little softer now that Rebecca was still trying to overcome the sensitivity that had come with her first orgasm.

And then she was coming again.

Hard enough that, when she finally went limp against the bed, her entire body was trembling as she tugged at the collar of Freen's shirt to get her to stop.

Rebecca couldn't have spoken if she'd wanted to right then. She was far too busy trying to breathe as Freen slowly moved up her body and slid her hands beneath Rebecca's shirt along the way.

Rebecca distinctly remembered that Freen hadn't been out of breath the night before. But she seemed to be now. Rebecca could feel the rapid puffs of air against her shoulder as Freen's hands stopped moving higher and went still.

"Freen?" Rebecca's voice was barely audible as Freen slowly ran the bridge of her nose along the other woman's jawline.


"How long?"

"There'll be someone rounding the corner in fifteen minutes." "Let me touch you."

There was a pause from Freen as Rebecca's hands found Freen's tense stomach through the starched material of her dress shirt.

"Rebecca, you don't--"

"I want to make you come."

Freen felt like the breath had been physically knocked out of her.

She hadn't thought...

"Please. I can't stand the thought of you being uncomfortable all night because of me."

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