Chapter Twelve

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"You're in tip-top shape for your first vacation. I know you're ready for it, or at least you will be after the dinner next week." Mind announced with a smile as she shut Rebecca's metal file and latched it before sitting it aside.

"How is everything else going? I can't seem to get anything out of Freen, but then, she's kind of always been that way. At least since she became an agent."

"I am extremely ready for my first vacation, thank you. And things are going well. Really. It's wonderful having her around. We've grown quite close, actually." Rebecca said as she regarded Mind passively for a moment with a furrow between her brows.

"I actually...if it's not imposing, I actually have a few questions for you. About your sister, I mean. Maybe about agents, in general."

"Shoot. Though, I'm not sure I know more than Freen. She's probably the expert on the subject."

"I highly doubt she would answer me, or appreciate the line of questioning." Rebecca responded, sounding rather nonplussed by the fact.

She could tell by the way Mind chuckled that she was probably right. "Okay, then. Ask away."

"Alright, I think my main concern is the fact that she doesn't ever wear a vest. I don't want to nag her about it, but...why? I guess what I'm saying is, I need to know the best way to approach her about it. She gets terribly defensive with anything even remotely regarding my safety."

Mind's expression sobered immediately in a way that Rebecca didn't like. At all. She'd never really seen the doctor fiddle nervously before, but she certainly was paying rather close attention to uncapping and re-capping her pen.


"I take it you haven't noticed that none of your other personal guards wear vests?" Mind finally responded with a rather uncomfortable looking expression on her face.

"I'm sure you haven't since Freen is your lead, but...they don't."

Rebecca was clearly a rather extreme mixture of confused and concerned. "Why?"

Mind shook her head and thought for a moment.

This was something she'd struggled with mentally, herself. Except only one of them had the knowledge that a run of the mill bullet wouldn't do Freen any real damage.

Mind found herself wishing she'd never opened herself up to this line of questioning.

"Rebecca, I really think it's best if we change the subject if I'm being entirely honest. This isn't really something you should be adding to your already ridiculously high levels of stress."

"I'm significantly more stressed right now than I will be once you've answered me, I'm sure." Rebecca's tone was dry and unamused.

Mind drew in a steadying breath and shrugged. "They don't wear vests because they need to be able to move to you quickly."

"That seems like a half-answer. I'm certain there are vests that wouldn't drastically hamper their maneuverability."

"It's to reduce the chance of ricocheting," Mind said suddenly, her tone rushed and slightly off-sounding. "It's so that once a bullet hits an agent, it stays there, and doesn't hit you."

Rebecca was quiet. She'd turned her eyes away from Mind to focus on the door of her office, instead.

"I see."

Mind wanted to tell her. Desperately. She wanted to tell Rebecca that Freen was in very little real danger, even if the agents working under her were. But she didn't.

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