Chapter 104

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I decided to make it my mission to make sure that Changbin was distracted today

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I decided to make it my mission to make sure that Changbin was distracted today. The more that he was allowed to simmer in his pain, the worse it would be for him. I'd let him sulk for another half hour or so while Seungmin and I cleaned the kitchen, and then he'd be entertained whether he liked it or not.

Chan and Lee Know had left already, and I'd sent Seungmin out back to retrieve any dishes from the pool patio where Lee Know and I had eaten. I gathered things from the kitchen table and pans from the stove.

"Congratulations again!" I told Seungmin. He and Chan had kissed goodbye and neither of them seemed to be holding back at all anymore. I was truly happy for them.

"Thanks," he grinned from ear to ear.

"What changed your mind?" I asked. I'd known Jeongin had been a huge part of his resistance and he was still very much in the picture.

"Mrs. Seo had said that she'd chosen Chan as a young boy because he was a fighter."

I recalled the story.

"He'd protected me in one of those fights," his eyes glimmered as he recollected Chan protecting him.

"Wow!" I replied, shocked. "That's..."

"It's fate," Seungmin interrupted. "Or maybe fate is too grand of a word, but it feels like something close to it."

"Fate," I repeated with a nod. How strange that after all this time they found their way to each other.

We put things away silently into the dishwasher for a moment as that word hung in the air...fate. Had it been fate that Lee Know and I had met? It felt random, but he ended up working for Changbin's family. I wouldn't have found out who my real parents were if I hadn't been introduced to this world...then again my parents wouldn't be dead either. I wasn't sure if I could call it fate, but it felt right regardless.

"Can I ask you something?" Seungmin coughed awkwardly.

"Sure!" I welcomed.

"Have you ever topped?"

My eyes widened. "Did you top?" I'd had him pegged as a bottom, especially with Chan being so dominant.

"No. We had sex last night, and I bottomed. But Chan wants to try, and I had never had sex with a guy before last night. I don't know if I should expect it to be like it was with women or if it's different," Seungmin rambled anxiously.

"Chan wants to bottom?" I couldn't imagine Lee Know ever allowing me to top.

Seungmin nodded.

"Well," I began trying to navigate this carefully, "Chan hadn't slept with a guy before last night either, right?"

Seungmin nodded again.

"And it went well, right?"

"Han, it was perfect," Seungmin's eyes shined as he spoke about Chan. It was adorable.

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