17. I'd Grow Destructive [For You]

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Niyla POV:

It wasn't until I was standing in the doorway of Snape's class, that it all hit me. Weighing in my chest like it was paved with heavy sharp stones. I hadn't worked up the nerve to be anywhere near the Gryffindors the past two days, I hadn't found the time to privately speak with Harry, a dragon will be part of the Tournament, and I hadn't truly made up my mind about if I wanted to leave Potions. Snape did well to control his patience, for me being more than half an hour late to class.

"If you intend to continue this course, I suggest you arrive early to my class, Lupin.— Four o'clock, detention," Snape said delicately in his usual waspish tone.

"Yes, sir," I replied; lowering my eyes as I walked.

My legs felt like they were tied to cinder blocks. I found a space on the opposite side of the room from where I usually sat, at a table neighboring Fred's. I ignored the pounding in my chest and turned to the number in my Potions book that was written on the blackboard. Snape's lecture on today's potion to brew had been over minutes ago. I found him for a split second, remembering his graciousness toward me was only because we come from the same House. At his rosewood desk, he was studying reams of parchment, his expression dark.

I covertly took deep breaths to steady my nerves, my head was pounding as I forced only whits of air into my chest with each inhale. I was vexed to hear how quiet the classroom was, only the sound of people working on their brews filled the room— clanks from flasks, the thud of something being cut on a table, and scattered coughs. It was hard to breathe, with the intensity of being in the same room as George and it becoming truly obvious I couldn't stand to be near him. Surely he'd know now; I usually sat next to him, but today I chose to sit on the opposite side of the room.

I was reading through the list of ingredients when I realized I didn't have half of what I needed for my potion. I was too distracted mentally all weekend to remember to refill my kit. I threw in whatever I had into my cauldron, leaving out the beetle eyes I lacked; resting my head on my palm. I feigned interest in my school book, tapping my fingers quietly on today's potion that I'm meant to brew.

"Are you missing some ingredients?"

I lifted my head, looking up at the girl sitting to my left. Wild bushy hair and prominent front teeth, more of a book nerd than myself, and a loner for the most part. Fourth year like me, but is far more clever enough to be able to start taking her O.W.L's, a year younger than myself. Ravenclaw; Muggle-born— Hermione Granger.

"Give or take a few," I smiled a bit.

"Well, I have a few extra things if you need," she offered.

Amazingly I felt almost hostile toward her kindness. What was her play? I couldn't remember someone I never spoke to being so kind to me. I strained against my enmity.

"Beetle eyes—" my words tumbled out; I cleared my throat. "—Got any of those?"

She frowned. "'Fraid not."

My shoulders relaxed— the only motion I could manage to show my forced martyred expression. Though, I couldn't care less that I didn't have every ingredient for today's lesson.

"Oh—" Granger's eyes grew hopeful. "—But I am going to see Hagrid after class to ask for a few things; maybe he'll have some of what you need."

"Hagrid?" I shuddered at the thought of having to see his hybrid beasts— his skrewts.

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