27. Establishing Ties

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"Ancient magic to turn man to stone, magic that matches the sun and moon, power to be wielded by a kind of consumption, lost to myths. But traces of these truths in the non-magic world, magics like gods to them..."

Niyla POV:

As George and I neared the site of the first task, I felt a flicker of aggravation. I was irritable with the current acts of the other students. They dislike me because I'm a werewolf's daughter. Shoot sneers at me for other reasons, I'm not entirely sure why. — Or, maybe it is just for the simple fact of having the blood of a werewolf. Though, this lie is not one I will soon wish to correct. It's plainly obvious if the students knew I wasn't the daughter of Remus Lupin, but instead the infamous murderer — Sirius Black. Petitions would be sent to the Ministry by their parents, pleading to have me removed from Hogwarts. But I think I'd gladly leave before word of this fact spread beyond Scotland, because Hogwarts is starting to feel less of a comfort.

Before last year, I was just Harry Potter's Slytherin friend, who happened to be born with the rare ability to shapeshift into an animal. Now, people wonder if I would randomly become vicious on nights of a full moon. Or one day become a permanent wolf, wandering rabid, through the halls of the castle.

Then, I became very much aware of George holding my hand as we walked. A kind of enchanting warmth welled up in the center of my chest, — like the tepid green flames made by Floo powder — and everything else didn't matter.

Every anxious and burdened thought was suddenly forgotten. Every inhale was so easy, further making me not feel troubled by the danger I was about to face. I had never been truly sure about anything in my life; but my feelings for George at this very moment, felt greatly incontrovertible. They were steel, there was no doubt in the love I have for him, it left me floating. If it was never a fact, that I have always had feelings for George; one might question whether I was under some kind of spell right now...

My eyes shifted from the sloping grounds to George, a smile broke across my face as I took him in. He was so imperfectly beautiful, and I loved him for it.

When we stepped onto the clearing, the first thing we cared to take note of, was the curved steel bars crossed over a pit. Chiseled steps were on either side of the enormous, oval-shaped ring. I assumed they were left from when the hole was being made. We peered down at where I'd be trapped with a beast for other people's entertainment. — For a Tournament, I didn't want to be a part of.

My attention moved to where Mr. Bagman was standing behind a podium perched on a high step for everyone to see, while he explained the objective of the first task. My eyes strayed from the man to the several bleachers, wound around the arena. The entire school was there, and unsurprisingly people from the Daily Prophet, — like Rita Skeeter — were there too.

In the dead-center of the bleacher's structure was a domed box. Where the Hogwarts staff, along with the headmaster and headmistress from the visiting schools sat comfortably, on lavish wooden chairs. Banners of the schools' Champion Houses draped over the balcony where the staff looked effortlessly down to the pit below. — A perfect view. Flags bearing the coat of arms from each school riddled the surrounding area.

I nearly made eye contact with Snape, but turned away when I noticed some eyes were beginning to train themselves on me and George. Some started to mutter to each other. After Mr. Bagman's speech was complete, a chorus of drums and other instruments sounded, hinting that the Tournament was about to begin.

Just then McGonagall came to usher me to the Champion's tent, but not before noticing George and my fingers entangled together. He swiftly smiled at me as our hands were forced to pull apart.

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