3: It Would Be Nice If People Would Listen To The Captain

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I don't know if he recognized me. I don't know. Shit. What if he didn't? What if he doesn't even remember my name? We were four, after all. I only recognized him because of his hair. Sun-gold hair. It runs in his family.

His glare, too. I recognized his glare. He used to glare at me with that exact expression when we argued as kids. Usually after I'd pulled his stupid hair. We fought a lot over what to play. Most of the time we were great buddies, but when it got around the time to choose what game we would play when we knew we only had time for one more, we got feisty.

What if he doesn't remember me?

What if he does? And now he thinks I'm having a dandy time kidnapping people. Shit.

When I was elected captain four years ago, I told my crew that there would be no more kidnappings. We had been wrapped up in all of this because of the old captain's kidnappings. (Which he used to groom young children into his crew, and since we couldn't leave the boat until we were old, no one ever trusted a runaway from the boat. Someone successfully tried to run away once, and they executed him for being a pirate. We're trapped now.) I didn't want anyone else to have to be stolen away from a life of peace to our ship.

But Percy only listens to me when he wants to, that bastard. If he hadn't planned on listening to me, why had he voted me to be Captain? Why had he endorsed me when we held elections four years ago?

I knew what was right. Kidnapping was not it.

Percy and Leo entered my cabin after locking up the golden-haired boy. "You asked to see us?" Percy asked.

Leo had to fix up his nose, too. Apparently he'd been punched.

"You purposely acted against orders. I should have you executed. This is serious."

"You don't believe in executions," Percy reminded.

"And besides, you love us," Leo added.

"Right now, I do not."

I leaned against my desk. I had no idea what to do. Honnet was an island, and it was far enough away from all other land that we'd have to make another stop before being able to turn back. It'd be a while before we could return Sun-boy home. This wasn't something we could accomplish in 24 hours by any means.

Which means I'd have to acknowledge Sun-boy eventually. It made nervous bugs flit around in my stomach, and I wasn't sure whether it felt good or bad. I wanted to know if he recognized me. I had to know, but I couldn't ask. I didn't even know if I wanted him to remember or not.

"Nico. We're not returning him," Percy told me. "I can see you planning it out in your head. Figuring how long it'll take. First, bringing him back will mess up our entire schedule. Second, we desperately need a doctor. Our crew deserves to survive a basic cold."

"Fuck you," I told him without mentally acknowledging his words. His opinion didn't matter. We're not kidnapping anyone.

"Right back at you."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "We'll stop at Rontmion then turn back. I expect both of you to apologize to him. I can't believe you went behind my back for this. You'll both take kitchen duty until we return him. Cooking and cleaning both."

Leo looked grave. "I've been betrayed by my own captain. You know I hate kitchen duty."

"Now get out," I told them. "And that guy better be well taken care of, because I'm going to check on him later and if he's not, your kitchen duty will be doubled for the rest of your lives."

They left my office without another word, and I collapsed into my desk.

I wondered if Sun-boy recognized me.

Word count: 641

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