24: The Island

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Nico was happy on the island, anyone could tell. I found myself falling in love more every day. I would wake up to his hands shaking my shoulders, eyes bright as he tried to convince me to get out of bed so he could show me something. I would usually only be able to resist for a minute or two before I gave in to his will and followed him to whatever part of the island he had discovered.

One night it was a field of wildflowers, and fireflies erupted from the grasses when we ran through, hand in hand. The next it was a small cave, and we ended up having to stay in it for the night to avoid getting soaked by the rains. I didn't mind, obviously. Then it was the way the moon made the ocean have weird reflections, and then it was a nest of baby rabbits, which we watched from afar.

In short, we had all the time in the world, and we were going to fill that time with enough joy to make up for all the time we lost. We didn't tell our friends about our relationship, but most of them definitely seemed to know, and they didn't seem to mind. We were pirates, after all. We've done much worse things than loving the same gender. We were invited to couple events, which made Nico nervous every time, but which never ended up being attacking of our love.

We kept the boat on the beach and slept on it while we built our cabins. My parents visited for the first time to bring us extra supplies, and I brought them to a secluded area in the woods so that I might be able to talk to them in private.

"You had something important to tell us?" My father prodded.

I nodded. "The thing is, I think I'm in love."

My mother's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh, with one of the pirates? Which one? I really have to meet her! This is so exciting, William, are you telling us this because you plan on marrying her?"

My father looked equally as excited. "I was wondering if you would settle down soon. It seems like you've only courted half the women that the normal man does. You've got that look about you, though. Who's the lucky lady?"

I bit my lip and gestured for them to sit on a boulder that Nico and I had found and been visiting to watch the sunsets. "I'm afraid my taste is unconventional."

They did what I wanted, my mother fixing her skirts. We'd all given up on keeping dirt off of all our things until we had our cabins built. "So long as she makes you happy, we don't care," my mother assured. "I wonder if we could get a preacher out here, when you're ready."

"I don't think a preacher would bind us. You see, I...I am not in love with a woman. I'm so sorry. It is not purposeful. I tried to fight this part of me for so long, it didn't work. But I'm in love with him."

They stilled. "Him?"

I swallowed. "Yes. He does make me happy, mother. He makes me so happy, like we're children again. Like we have forever to just be filled with joy and nothing more."

They were silent for what felt like an eternity. A sob filled my throat. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have admitted it. I'm sorry."

My mother stood slowly, while my father continued sitting as still as a statue. "William, I understand that you've been away from everything for several months now, maybe we shouldn't have let you stay on this island with them—"

"I'm an adult, mother. I would've gone without your permission. I apologize. I shouldn't have admitted it."

She cradled my head in her hands, like she always did when I was a young boy, except that now she had to reach up. "You're probably right. A preacher probably wouldn't come." She hesitated. "He makes you happy."

I nodded, tears slipping from my eyes even though I tried to hold them back. "He does."

She pulled me into her embrace. "And...you want to continue to...be in love with him? You don't think it would make everything harder?"

"Oh, I'm sure it will make everything harder—" I laughed bitterly through my tears. "But he's worth it. I want to stay with him. He's worth making everything harder."

My father moved for the first time in the conversation. Slowly, he stood up and dusted himself off. "I think I remember eavesdropping into a very similar conversation in which Naomi said a similar thing about me."

I couldn't look him in the eyes. "Really?"

"Naomi was supposed to marry a rich man. All I had was my shop of medical supplies, which did not by any means make me rich."

"I cut off my parents when they did not approve of the marriage, and we did it anyway," my mother whispered. "Apollo, I don't want to lose our son over this."

He put his hand on her shoulder. "I don't understand it, son. I really don't. But, your mother is right. I...have heard many stories of parents who lose their children over the ways that they love. You're our only son, William. If this is...right for you, then I will not get in your way."

I was about to break down right there. Seriously. The group hug was enough to crush all of our ribs. It wasn't until my mother pulled away to ask, "Who is the man, then? Does he...love you back?" that we finally came apart.

I smiled bashfully through my tears. "Nico di Angelo. And...yes. Yes, I believe he does."

Word count: 942

That's the end of another story! I hope you liked it. Let me know what you thought, and I'll see you in the next one. Thanks for reading, and have an amazing day/night!



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