20: A Tender Last Day

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I could see Honnet's fishing boats in the distance. I'd been planning this excursion with Percy and Leo since I'd come up with it. They were going to buy me time. A lot of it. And I was going to make life a whole lot easier for everybody on that ship.

But I was going to need a shitload of time.

We pulled into the dock, and the crew began to secure the ship. Nico was busy, but I approached him anyway. When he saw me, he had to look away. His smile was weak, almost trembling like a child's before they broke out into tears. I hadn't told Nico about my plans. He would probably tell me that they're stupid and dangerous. They probably were.

I pulled him into my arms and did my best to keep up the act. "I'm going to miss you. A lot."

He wiped his eye with the palm of his hand. "I'm going to miss you, too. I...really need to talk to you. Is now a good time?" He tied the rope with a little less force than he usually did.

"Sure," I said. "Aren't you working—?"

"Doesn't matter. We're going to be done packing up the boat in, like, two minutes and then you're going to have to hurry off, so...so this is my only chance." He laughed nervously and straightened up. He picked at his nails nervously. He seriously seemed to be about to break into tears any moment. "The thing is.... Well, I really like you, Will."

Percy waved at me from across the ship. "Hey, Will! It's time for you to leave."

I gently took Nico's hand. "I really like you, too."

He shook his head. "No, I—" A sob. "I'm so sorry. I think I'm in love with you."

"Wait, you're—"

"Come on, Will!" Percy shouted, marching up to me. "It's time to go."

"Wait, hold on!" But Percy was already dragging me away. I threw Nico one last look over my shoulder. He was hunched over the side of the boat, hand covering his mouth while he cried. I wanted to help him.

But Percy was adamant. I would need every second I could get. He could only keep Nico here for so long, and I had a lot to do.

Which is how I showed up at the di Angelo household at exactly two o'clock in the afternoon, with confessions of love on my mind and determination in my heart. I knocked on the door.

Word Count: 413

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