12: Dancing With A Stab Wound

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I did make a special dinner for the crew the next night, using up some of our best spices to season some deer meat we'd managed to snag from Alaquati. It was still rather fresh, so it might actually be a tolerable meal. It took me half the day, but the crew seemed to enjoy it, so it was worth it.

Leo tied the wheel so the ship would continue towards the Bay of Silver, and I tried not to worry about how far away we were from Honnet. Will didn't seem angry that we couldn't turn back yet, which was a relief. I couldn't afford to turn back, not when Gabe was so close.

Leo and the Stolls worked together to plan a night of fun for everyone. They built a hanging lantern that would shine spots of light across the deck, as if the stars decided to shine on our ship specifically. They cleared the floor so that couples could dance, and used crates as tables for us to eat my dinner on.

As for my leg, I'd treated it to the best of my ability. I refused to use actual medical equipment, since we would need that for more important things later. Instead, I washed it and put on clean clothing in an attempt to keep it from getting infected.

The Stolls were singing some sort of sea shanty, but they were laughing so hard, we couldn't tell the lyrics. Still, they had us in tears laughing.

Hazel bumped my shoulder. "Thanks for cooking, Nico. I think we all needed this."

"I only made dinner. Leo and the Stolls did most of the work." I pointed my fork at her. We rarely used silverware, but I'd gotten it out tonight. "I don't suppose you'll dance with Frank later, will you? He's been looking nervous ever since Travis announced that couples will be dancing."

She turned her head to the side bashfully. "If he asks, I'd dance with him. Will you be dancing with anyone tonight?"

With a bloody leg? Of course I fucking wouldn't. "Hm. Maybe, but probably not. Dancing is not my forte."

Will dropped his plate next to us and sat down on one of the shorter crates like a chair. "You're not dancing, Nico? I think it would be rather fun."

I poked at my meal. "I'm sure. It's just not my strong point, is all. Who are you going to dance with?"

He nudged my shoulder. "It's not any of our strong points, loser. You're all pirates, and I'm a doctor. It's not like we're professionals." He tapped his fork on his plate. "You and I should dance." He seemed to realize what that implied and turned bright red, and quickly fixed it. "A-as old friends! Only as friends, of course."

I chuckled. "Maybe, Will. But I might go back to my cabin early." Because my leg is killing me. "Because I have some work to do."

"You will absolutely not," Hazel chided. "Do the work tomorrow morning. Tonight is for fun." Curse Hazel's neverending good intentions. All I want to do is get somewhere where I could give my leg a break.

Percy dragged Annabeth to the dance floor, and then Piper pulled Jason over too.

Will poked me. "You are going to dance, it's decided. Just one, that's all. We don't have to be in one of the spotlights, but we're doing it. Or, I could get someone else to dance with you?"

"Ugh. No. I don't care who I dance with. Just...don't expect me to be any good," I told him. But there was dread in my stomach. My friends could lay off the good intentions for one night. My wound would appreciate it.

His beaming smile made up for it. "Brilliant. I'll be back in a moment, I'm going to get a drink."

Hazel stood up as well. "I need one, too. We'll be right back."

I nodded at them. Almost as soon as they were gone, Frank sat down next to me. He was wringing his hands. Poor guy. He's terrified.

"It's a nice night," he said.

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