10: No Last Words Today, Maybe Next Time

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We moved as fast as we could, but the dread in my stomach and ache between my eyes told me it wouldn't be enough. It would never be enough. He would always catch up.

The crew worked to make sure the sails were as wide as they could be. We made it to the Isle de Lenk, then skipped it and moved straight towards Alaquati. We cut down on our portions (especially mine—I gave some of my meal to Will each day, since he wasn't used to our meal sizes yet). We cut down on our free time. Soon, the ship in the distance became the only thing on our minds.

But we were running out of supplies. We made it to Alaquati faster than we normally do with the extra effort put into speed. We used the same groups as last time, because I didn't have the headspace to plan new ones. I didn't feel right leaving the ship, but we would starve if we didn't get supplies. I left Jason on the ship to help protect it this time, though I was pretty sure we'd left enough room that we would have time before He caught up.

Annabeth and I picked up a couple grocery bags that a woman set down as she read the newspaper. Then we overfilled them with extra fish. In the back of my mind, I thought that it would probably be disappointing to Will that we had to eat fish, but they were more filling. I grabbed whatever I could that would last, as well. Nothing seemed like enough.

We were heading back through the crowd when I was grabbed. I shoved at them, but they wouldn't let me go. Shouting erupted from the crowd. Travis Stoll took my bags from me and ran them back to the ship.

This was not the time to be caught. I struggled as much as I could, but there were too many of them. I knew Connor Stoll would be in the crowd somewhere to help me, and Leo would hopefully come down from the ship when he noticed. I had people on my side, and we'd done this before. This was just a really shitty time for it to happen.

I was led to the executioner's block. I kept my posture straight and unafraid.

One guy let loose bellowing laughter. "Don't worry, it's not that you're a bad thief. We were warned you'd be coming."


"Got a small army from Rontmion. 'Parently someone found a map of your stealing schedule for the year and gave it to the governor."

I planted my feet in the ground before the steps. I had no idea if Connor or Leo were in position to save me yet. It was a delicate balance between wasting enough time so they had time to keep me from dying and not wasting too much time so that He would catch up and kill us all. I grit my teeth. Now was not the time for any of this.

The guards were rough with me, but I couldn't give in yet. If I was early, I'd be a goner. Besides, I was sure that my crew must be watching from the deck, and they didn't deserve to have to see me get killed. God, Hazel was on that deck. Hopefully someone would have the sense to shield her.

And Will. Without me pushing for it, would they still return him home? He'd only known me for a couple of weeks, and I'd been ignoring him for most of it. Hopefully he realizes that being the captain of the ship was never my dream. Hopefully he realizes the ship isn't as bad as it used to be.

The guard on my left rolled his eyes at my obviously desperate attempts to stall. He shoved me forward, nearly tripping me on the step. I didn't fall, but the noose was getting closer and I hadn't received a signal that they were in position yet. God dammit. I shoved against the guards and tried to twist out of their grip. My crew would come to save me, I knew that. They always did. I just had to hope they were hurrying.

How do you know they won't mutiny against you, too?

No. My ship wasn't made of killers. If Gabe—no use avoiding his name, he was already behind us now—was still captain, I'd be a dead man. But the new Argo II wasn't every man for himself.

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