14: Is Leo A Therapist Now?

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I did try not to let my fear soak into my attitude at first, but it was clear that I was failing. My crew threw pitying glances my way, which they redirected when I caught them. Loud jokes that normally echoed around the deck were replaced by whispers as I passed by. I left my cabin less, for fear that I was acting as a multiplier for their fears. Besides, I didn't want to have to look at the ship in the distance.

I looked up from my map and startled at a knock on my door. "Captain?"

"Yes, come in," I folded my map and put it back in the drawer as Leo entered, just for something to do with my hands.

Leo leaned on my desk. "I wanna duel you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Eh, just for training, you know? I'm incredibly bored."

Reluctantly, I stood up. Training sounded like the least fun thing to be doing right now. At least it was with Leo, though—he usually found a way to make it entertaining. So, I followed him out of my office.

The rest of my crew gathered 'round. I made sure to position myself facing away from Will at the start—I didn't need him to distract me in the middle of dueling with Leo.

Leo raised his sword, and I raised mine to match his stance. One of his hands was behind his back, so I rolled my eyes and copied him. Piper cheered rowdily for Leo, and I huffed at her. They always cheered for the underdog. In most cases, that wasn't me. Percy could still best me, but most of the others usually lost against me. Annabeth and I were about matched, which made for interesting duels. Leo, though, wasn't as good as me. He's better with building things, then throwing whatever it is at an opponent, which is pretty illegal in friendly dueling.

He lunged forward with the first attack, and I parried it easily. Our swords clanked heavily as they hit in the middle. I let him go at me for a while. After all, this was the best training he could get on a pirate ship. And, boy, would he need it soon.

But he was getting cocky. He tried to steal my hat, once, so I knocked his sword down with great force, then shoved into him with my shoulder, knocking him away from his sword. I held my sword to his throat, but only for a second before I helped him up.

Piper swung her fist. "Dang. Next time, you really will be bested, Nico. I'm serious. Someone other than Percy will beat you someday."

I waved her off. "Out of you lot? Unlikely."

Leo elbowed me teasingly. "What about Annabeth, huh? If I recall correctly, she had her sword at your throat only a few months ago. Isn't that right, Annie?"

Annabeth tried to suppress a grin. "First of all, do not call me Annie. Second, I absolutely had my sword to his throat, Leo. Nico, do you remember that duel? I believe you actually stumbled a bit..."

I put my hand over her mouth. "I did not. I would never stumble."

She grabbed my wrist. "Hey, Will, do you want to hear all about how I beat Nico and he's been afraid to duel me again ever since?"

Will cackled as she told the humiliating tale, "Sounds brilliant. Remind me to never upset Annabeth."

"Better not upset any of us," Leo teased. "I'm pretty sure you couldn't beat any one of us. I should really just start ordering you around. What are you gonna do? Duel me about it?"

"Nah, I'll just sic Nico on you." His eyes had a mischievous glint which honestly was enough to make my stomach explode with a fluttering that wasn't entirely unpleasant. "Nico, you wouldn't let your crew bully me into submission, would you?"

I hummed, "Depends. If I don't let them bully you into submission, will you get me a snack from the kitchens?"

He scowled. "Hey!"

I laughed as he shoved me, and then he was smiling again. Leo yawned and stretched. "Now that my mission is accomplished, I'm gonna go to bed. Nobody is legally allowed to wake me up until at least noon tomorrow. Frank, can you steer us from here on out?"

"Yeah, sure. Get some rest," Frank said.

"Wait, you had a mission?" I asked. "What was your mission?"

"To get you to leave your office and stop being a nervous wreck for a minute or two," he deadpanned. "See ya tomorrow. Sleep well, everyone, but do not even enter my near vicinity unless you want a sword in your throat."

Travis Stoll cocked his head. "Connor and I share your cabin with you."

"Sucks for you."

"Party in Leo's cabin tonight!"

"Fuck you, no there's not."

As the group dispersed, Will nudged me. "You're a good fighter."

"Thank you," I said. "Especially due to the fact that I probably wouldn't be fighting at all had you not been working on my leg. I...I appreciate the work you've been doing for us. You've been very kind during your stay."

He smiled at me. "I mean, how could I resist helping out such a fantastic crew? Especially..." He checked over his shoulder to make sure no one was listening. "Especially one whose captain is so handsome."

Heat rushed up my neck and cheeks. I opened my mouth to try to respond, but nothing came out. His smile grew. "Cat got your tongue?"

I finally got a few words out: "W-Would you like to have dinner with me?"

Word count: 915

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