Chapter 8

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Pov: 3rd

After seungcheol hang up with rosé.
Scoups: boys tomorrow we have date to go with girls
Hoshi: wait what? Who said that?
Jun: will you repeat what you said because i think i hear wrong
Joshua: if you both twins didn't cut him and keep talking we will know (said rolling his eyes)

Mingyu: say hyung what happened?
Scoups: rosé call me and said she want to go to have some drinks tomorrow all of us.
Vernon: and you agree on this we can't leave lee and yoon sons.
Dino:(chuckle) you mean you can't leave seungkwan alone.(vernon hit dino shoulder while the others laugh on their youngers bikering)

Scoups: okay okay stop teasing each other we have meetings to do.
Jun:we will go and you stay with your coldie twin.(they all left leaving joshua and seungcheol alone)
Joshua: they really know how to act very well.
Scoups: of course they know they are our brothers in the end but you know what they can't hide it from us we know very well what is behind that smile.

Joshua: coups it's better to work fast i can't see them like this.
Scoups: i know we will do our best. By the way did jennie normal with you because i see rosé change.
Joshua: same here jennie is not like before i just don't have time to give attention to that.
Scoups: yes right let's finish this then we will see because i'm Sure something wrong with them.(joshua nodded)

Time skip:

With minwon:

Mingyu get into the room with bag in his hand he find wonwoo sitting looking bored he give hom the bag while wonwoo was confuse what is in this bag.
Wonwoo: what is this.
Mingyu: open it and see it.
Wonwoo:(open the bag finding books he have long search on it) woah is those for me.

Mingyu: of course for you your brother seungkwan tell me you love reading and those book you have long time searching on it.
Wonwoo: thank you mingyu you really help me (hold his hand without realising)

Mingyu taken back by this action. When wonwoo realise his action he remove his hand quickly with blush on his face.
Mingyu: wait are you blushing.
Wonwoo: no who said that why i'm gonna blush.
Mingyu: oh really let's check then.
Wonwoo: w_(before he say anything mingyu pinned him in the bed)

Mingyu:(seeing wonwoo red face) are jou sure you stay not blushing.
Wonwoo: what are you doing leave me (push mingyu and get up) i am not it'sthe room hot that's why(run from the room)
Mingyu:(smirk) he think me idiot i don't know what blush is. keep lying yoon wonwoo in the end nothing stay hidden.(chuckle)

With dino&eric:

Eric was coming downstairs but suddenly he bumped into someone making his leg slipped and he was gonna fall he close his eyes waiting to feel the ground but that never happened their two arms wrapped around his waist holding him. When he feel nothing eric open his eyes slowly to get meet by dino. They were lost in each other eyes.

Eric get back to reality he break the eye contact looking away
Eric: let me go.
Dino: are you sure because if i let you go you will fall but if you want to okay go _(was gonna leave him but eric hold him tightly)
Eric: No No don't leave me i don't want to fall.

Dino: okay fine (hold him tightly) so tell me where is your eyes when you talk did you was searching on handsome men like me.
Eric: No not that who said that.
Dino:(want to tease him) wait so you mean i'm not handsome.
Eric: no wait you misunderstood.
Dino: so you say that i don't understand.

Eric: no let me talk i will explain.
Dino: so i am not letting you talk.
Eric: yaa enough met me go (get out from their position) you really in idiot i amsaying something and you are coming in the half of it .
Dino:(try to hold his laugh) fine fine i will stop by the way you look cute when you angry (said and left leaving eric with red face).

With jeongcheol:

Seungcheol just come from the bathroom wearing only a sweatpants withbear chest he didn't see jeonghan in the room he was gonna get something to wear but suddenly the door open revealing jeonghan in first jeonghan didn't see him he was closing the door after that he look up finding seungcheol shirtless.

Jeonghan: yaaa wear something you are not alone her (said turning around facing his back to seungcheol face)
Seungcheol: calm Down that's not big deal i'm just shirtless not naked.(chuckle)
Jeonghan: is that not enough for you. wear shirt fast.(said his face was like tomato if anyone see him they will say he is competing tomato in color.)

Seungcheol: fine i will wear my clothes wait (he get closer to jeonghan) okay done you can turn around
With that jeonghan turn around finding seungcheol stay shirtless
Jeonghan: lier why you stay like this (look to the other side but seungcheol didn't give up. so with smirk on his face he start to get closer while jeonghan was going back until his back hit the wall)

Seungcheol: why angel (lift jeonghan chin with his fingers) did my body that bad.
Jeonghan: No i mean yaaa shut up and go wear something (push him while blushing he get to bed and pick seungcheol shirt throw it to him) wear this fast.
Seungcheol: fine angel your red face show everything.
Jeonghan: my face show nothing.(said and get to sleep he cover his face with blanket hearing seungcheol chuckle)

Time skip:

In lee mansion from the day that their sons kidnapped lee and yoon start to leave in same house so they can plan together so right now Mrs lee and Mrs yoon were scared they know their husbands plan something but they didn't except it to be like this. So they are arguing with their husbands who right now don't care about anything other then money and power.

Mrs lee: are you crazy lee your this plan will make our sons in danger.
Mrs yoon: listen to me my sons are everything to me i will not let you hurt them for your own benefits.
Mr lee: enough you both better get quite
Mrs yoon: what you gonna do? What you think us?
Mrs lee: we are not going to stay quite.

Mr yoon: fine you think we care jack (call one from guards) take them to the room and close door on them i don't want them to come out and be careful they escape.
Mr lee: open the door on them only for food other then that don't.(guards gather and hold mrs lee and mrs yoon get them to the basement)

Mrs lee: leave my hand i will show you lee my sons are gonna be safe with those brothers even after everything you do they will find way to finish all this shit.
Mrs yoon: you both will regret what you doing now. I will pray to our sons and choi sons to be safe always and win against you(they dragge them to the basement and throw them in it)

Mrs lee: i can't believe they get to this level in being assholes
Mrs yoon: you know after hearing their plan i'm scare.
Mrs lee: same here me scare too and i see long journey gonna be to our kids.
Mrs yoon: i'm regreting not listening to unnie.
Mrs lee: she was right when she said our husbands are not good and they are betrayers.(they both hug each other and sit they know in this close room they can't come out).

(A/N hi cupcakes how are you all sorry if i make you wait so much here is new chapter and i wish you all like it nd tell me what you all think and who is mrs lee and mrs yoon unnie if you can guess who. One more thing my emotionale cupcakesget your tissu ready for next 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧).

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