Chapter 1: Part 1 of Becoming Part 1

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Nyx, now a teenager, was sleeping in her bed, on her stomach with a pillow over her head. She groans in annoyance as her alarm clock goes off, she then reaches her hand out and turns the alarm off before she raises herself up from her bed. Nyx then let out a yawn as she stood up and began getting ready for the day.

Nyx changed into her day clothes for school and put on her amulet and she hid her amulet under her shirt, then she walked out of her room and went into the bathroom across the hall. She then smiled slightly as she heard her grandfather yell from the kitchen downstairs as she started brushing her hair.

Pops: Rise and shine, Nyx! Wash up and come down for breakfast before it gets cold! 

Nyx rolled her eyes with a smile as she finished brushing her hair and styling it. She then left the bathroom and went downstairs after she brushed her teeth.

Nyx walked down the stairs and to the kitchen to see her grandparents setting up the table for breakfast.

Nyx: ( with a soft smile: ) Morning, Granny. Morning, Pops.

Granny: Morning, Nyxie.

Pops: Sit down and eat before the food gets cold, kiddo. Today, I'm driving ya to school.

Nyx: Remember to take your meds before you get in the car this time, alright?

Granny: Don't worry, sweetie. I already had him take 'em when we woke up this morning.

( Slight time skip, Outside the school )

Nyx waved goodbye to her grandfather with one hand while holding her backpack in the other as he drove off after he dropped her off at the school.

Little did Nyx know that Claire was watching her as she walked to her locker, which was across from Claire's, which her friends, Darci and Mary noticed.

Mary: ( to Claire: ) I know that look in your eyes, Claire. It's not going to work. We all know what happens whenever you try to talk to her.

Darci: She doesn't respond and she walks off in a hurry.

Claire: I know, but she just seems so...alone.

As Claire and her friends were talking, Nyx grabs the books she needs for class and walked off without Claire noticing.

Claire: Maybe if we invite her to sit with us at lunch, she might open up-

Mary: Yeah, about that, she just left.

Claire turns and sees that Nyx was no longer at her locker, and Claire sighs in defeat.

Mary: Why you so interested in talking to her anyway, Claire. She's kinda...

Darci: Weird. She doesn't talk to anyone, not even the teachers. Even if you are assigned to do an assignment or team project with her.

Claire: Yeah, but, she's so quiet and mysterious, it sorta makes me want to learn more about her, you know.

Darci and Mary shared knowing looks, before they shrugged in response to Claire's statement.

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