Chapter 6: Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter ( Part 2 )

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Nyx walked beside Jim and Toby as they walked into the place, which Nyx remembered being called " Hero's Forge " from the stories she heard from Kanjigar and her grandparents. Toby was examining a very polished stone wall, when Jim's armour disappeared and the gemstone of Nyx's amulet began illuminating a soft night blue glow, causing Nyx to sigh in relief as she felt her energy returning to her and the small bags under her eyes disappeared.

Jim: Um, what just happened? And why is Nyx's amulet glowing?

Blinky: ( to Jim: ) Your amulets responded to your unconscious commands, Master Jim. Lady Nyx's amulet has given back the energy she lost during your escape and your introduction to Draal.

Nyx: ( Calmly, to Jim: ) You are at ease, are you not?

Jim: I am, actually.

Blinky: It senses that! You are beginning to master it!

Nyx, Jim, and Toby then looked in awe as they reached the bridge-like footpath of the Forge.

Jim: Holy trolls! Is this a palace?

Blinky: This is the Hero's Forge!

As they walk along the bridge-like footpath, Toby peers over the edge to see how deep it is.  Toby then takes a picture of it, and Jim jokingly pretends to push him off, making Nyx chuckle at the two boys.

Toby: AHH! ( to Jim: ) Don't do that again.

Nyx: C'mon, boys.

When the group got to their destination, Jim looked around the forge to see statues of Trolls placed upon giant pillars around them. Nyx was looking at Kanjigar's statue with hidden sorrow within her eyes.

Jim: Magnifico. Wait, are these?-

Aaarrgghh: Trollhunters.

Blinky: Your predecessors, Master Jim. A line of heroism that reaches back to the ages of Merlin! This is the place of the final reposed, Kanjigar the Courageous. One day there will be a statue of you here, Master Jim. One day very far off into the future of course!

As they spoke, Nyx continued to look at Kanjigar's statue with sorrow hidden in her eyes.

Toby: Yeah about that, there's just one thing I'm not getting.

Jim & Nyx: ( to Toby, at the same time: ) Just one?

Jim and Nyx shared a surprise look before they turned away from each other with nervous expressions.

Toby: ( to Blinky and Aaarrgghh: ) You guys are Trolls, so " Trollhunter " sounds a little like you hunt yourselves, y'know?

Aaarrgghh: Hunt bad trolls. Gumm-Gumms.

Jim: Not exactly the most terrifying name.

Blinky: In Troll-speak, Gumm-Gumm means " Bringer of horrible, slow, painful, and thoroughly calculated death. "

Nyx: ( with her arms crossed, as she thinks of the annoyance Bular gives her by existing: ) In my family's speak, Gumm-Gumm means " Arrogant, idiotic, disgusting brute. "

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