Chapter 4: Part 2 of Becoming Part 2

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It was near sunset, and Nyx was walking invisible into town as a Bestia Nocturna. She then saw Jim and Toby on their bikes in the distance ahead of her. She then silently went up to them when they stopped when they turned their bikes to the corner, then as she stood behind them she saw that Bular was the one that caused the two boys to stop as the Gumm-Gumm prince was standing in the dark at the end of the street. Bular roared while glaring at the two boys, Nyx quickly glared at the dark troll as she stayed invisible.

Jim: But I am now!

Bular: Trollhunter, Merlin's creation, Gummar's bane!

Toby: ( to Jim: ) I think he's talking to you...

Bular roars again, but as he tries to leave the shadows, his hand gets hurt because of the sunlight.

Jim: Look! He's afraid of the sun!

Toby: ( noticed the sunset ) Not for long!

Bular: The amulet! Surrender it, and I will give you a speedy death!

Toby: Doesn't know how to negotiate, this guy!

As soon as Bular lunged at them, Nyx transformed back into herself and made herself visible as she cast a forcefield in front of her and the two boys, blocking the dark troll's attack. Nyx's amulet was not hidden under her shirt, and Bular growled angrily at Nyx.

Toby: Woah! Where did she come from?!

Jim: Nyx?!

Nyx: Go! I'll hold him off!

Jim: Nope!

Jim then grabbed Nyx's hand and pulled her onto his bike to sit behind him, and she held on as him and Toby cycled away in high speed as Nyx's forcefield disappeared. They try and hide from him behind a parked truck.

Toby: Armour up, armour up. Armour up! Please! Now! FASTER! Maybe another magic-y forcefield, Nyx!

Nyx: ( with a calm, serious expression, whispering to the two boys, so Bular couldn't hear her: ) If I cast another field, I will not have enough stamina to cast any other spells to defend ourselves.

Toby: ( to Nyx: ) How are you so calm?! And spells?!

Jim: For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!

Jim's amulet glows, but nothing happened.

Jim: It's not working!

Nyx: ( quietly, to Jim: ) Try to remain calm as much as possible.

Jim: For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command. ( Nothing happens ) Seriously! It's mine to command! I'm commanding here!

Nyx: ( calmly, to Jim: ) Your frustration is understandable, Jim, but now's not the time-

Bular then picked the truck up.

Nyx: ( sighs ) ( under her breath: ) I hate today.

Bular: Centuries of Trollhunters, and I will have killed two in almost as many days!

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