Chapter 8: Wherefore Art Thou Trollhunter ( Part 4 )

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Nyx woke up that morning and did her morning routine with a frown as Jim was ignoring her texts causing her to worry, she had the small snake, she had yet to name, on her shoulder when she came down the stairs for breakfast with her grandparents. Her grandparents quickly noticed the worry in their granddaughter's eyes as the young girl kept checking her phone and barely touched her breakfast. The small snake slithered down onto the table to a small plate with two small eggs, that the elderly couple had set for him.

Granny: Nyx, is everything alright?

Nyx was hesitant to answer her grandmother's question, but she then saw the slight concern in your grandparents' eyes, making Nyx sigh in defeat as she hates making her grandparents worry or concern even for a second.

Nyx: It's nothing, it's just... The new Trollhunter hasn't been ignoring my texts of concern this morning, and it has been causing me to fret for his well being.

Granny: Ah, I see. The human Trollhunter you've spoken to us about. I take it that Draal isn't handling it well?

The small snake tilted his head in response, Pops leaned towards the snake to whisper to it, as to not interrupt his wife and grandchild's conversation.

Pops: ( whispers, to the small snake: ) You'll get used to it after a while, trust me.

Nyx: ( sighs tiredly ) I had to raise my voice at the brute to stop him from hurting Jim during their sparring session last night.

Granny: ( smiles slightly ) So, I'm taking that since you now called the Trollhunter by his name, that you two know each other?

Nyx: ( with a slight blush : ) He' acquaintance of mine at school.

Granny: ( with a knowing smile: ) Don't lie to me, child. You have that same look in your eye when speaking of the boy as your father when he talked about your mother to us when he was your age.

Nyx: ( her blushes deepens ) ( with slight confusion: ) I beg your pardon?

Pops slowly stood up when hearing this and silently walked out of the dining room, the small snake watched the elderly man leave the room with confusion as he swallowed the small egg whole.

Granny: Tell me, Nyx, whenever the boy speaks to or looks your way, do you begin to feel a sudden feeling of nervousness as you feel your heart beat rise?

Nyx: Yes...? I am confused about what your point is, Granny.

Granny: ( calmly, with a smile: ) You, my dear little phoenix of the night, have romantic feelings towards the boy- Wait, where's your grandfather?

Pops is then seen walking past the dining room's doorway, holding a sword as he was walking towards the front door. Nyx sat still at the table, her eyes had widened in realization in her grandmother's words.

Pops: I just wanna talk to him.

Granny: Oh for the sake of the stars. ( Calls out, sternly: ) Anthony, you are not going near that boy holding a sword, and frankly, you aren't even leaving this house if you are going to be acting overprotective towards our granddaughter. Now, put that blasted sword away, and I'll be taking Nyx to school today, unless you want to be sleeping on the couch this whole week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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