Chapter 3: Part 1 of Becoming Part 2

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It was the next day. Nyx was at school and was standing at her locker, and she took out the notepad and pencil from her locker. She then suddenly caught a glimpse of the blue glow she saw earlier, and she glanced to her side without turning her head to see that the glow was coming from Jim and Toby, and she quickly listened in to the two boys' conversation without them noticing.

Toby: ( looks at the amulet ) ( to Jim: ) Does this thing run on batteries? What's it doing?

Jim: How should I know? It didn't come with a manual!

Nyx: ( thoughts as she listened in: ) The amulet chose Jim? A human? Just great, he's going to get crushed by Bular by the end of today or tomorrow.

Toby: ( to Jim: ) Does it feel like you're gonna, y'know, change?

Jim: Oh no...

Toby: ( to Jim: ) We gotta get you someplace that's not out here!

Nyx silently watched while standing at her locker as Toby pushed Jim into the boy's locker room. She then closed her locker and jumped slightly when she saw Eli standing beside her.

Eli: Sorry, Nyx, I didn't mean to startle you. Ms. Janeth just wanted me to find you so you don't be late to watch the auditions for the play.

Nyx then held up her notepad and wrote " No problem. Want to walk together? " and showed it to Eli.

Eli: ( a bit surprised: ) Really? ( With a smile: ) Sure!

Nyx and Eli then started walking together to the drama classroom, Nyx calmly listened with a smile as Eli began telling her the " monsters " with stone skin he saw at the canel.

( Slight time skip, at the auditions )

Nyx was standing backstage holding her notepad & pencil in her hands as she watched Claire on the stage, doing her audition for the role of Juliet for the play. Nyx was staying out of sight by sitting on the light rafters by herself without anyone noticing as Nyx watched Claire was slight amazement.

Claire: Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars. And he will make the face of heaven so fine. That all the world will be in love with night.

Nyx: ( her thoughts as she frowns slightly: ) This play is a bit dark, but somewhat interesting.

She then looked down when she heard someone talking to see that Toby and Jim were standing behind the curtains. Nyx felt her face heat up slightly when she saw the trollhunter armor on Jim, but she didn't fully realize why her face heat up. She then slowly and carefully made her way down from the rafters and joined the two boys behind the curtains the same time as Claire, who had finished her audition.

Claire: ( to Jim: ) John?

Jim: Uh, Jim.

Nyx wrote " Are you here to audition? " on her notepad and showed it to the three while looking at Jim, showing that she was asking her question to Jim.

Jim: ( with a nervous expression: ) Uh, yeah!

Claire: And here I thought you didn't like Shakespeare.

Nyx raised her brow in response to Claire's statement, not getting that Claire had said it  jokingly.

Jim: Oh no, he's my favorite! I totally love him!

Claire: That costume is incredible! Did you make it?

Toby: No, he found a magical amulet that makes it!

Nyx then turned to Toby with a raised brow, as she was questioning what he was thinking that would give him the idea to think it was a wise decision to just spit that info out without worry, she then glanced at Claire and quickly knew by the look on the girl's face that she didn't believe Toby's statement to be true.

Claire: Heh, you're funny.

Jim: ( to Toby, through gritted teeth: ) Hehe, yeah you're a real comedian aren't cha?!

Ms. Janeth: Next!

Nyx then quickly wrote " I do believe that's your cue, Jim. " in her notepad and showed it to her three peers.

Claire: ( to Jim: ) Break a leg!

Jim: ( as he steps on stage: ) I'd prefer that.

Nyx quietly stood beside Toby and Claire as she watched Jim as he stepped on stage.

Ms. Janeth: ( to Jim: ) Who are you?

Jim: James Lake Jr.

Ms. Janeth: What are you trying out for?

Jim: Uh, Romeo?

Ms. Janeth: Well, we are all ears.

Jim: Destiny. Destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives living existences in quiet desperation, never learning the truth that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon our shoulders is actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights!

Claire and Toby noticed that Nyx's eyes seemed to light up when she heard the words Jim spoke, little did they know that the words Jim spoke heard explained how she felt towards her duties and responsibilities that tied to her family's amulet.

Jim: Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor! That to strive and triumph in the face of fear, is what it means to be a hero! Don't think, become!

The audience applaused Jim's performance, snapping Nyx out of her trance, and she silently left without anyone noticing.

Jim: Um, thank you!

Nyx silently walked out of the room and stood outside the door, and began taking deep breaths as she began walking off as she felt the feeling of her racing heart, a feeling she is all too familiar with whenever Claire or Jim try to talk to her or whenever she meets their gaze.

Nyx: ( silently, to herself: ) What is the matter with me? I mustn't let myself be seen behaving this way, if Bular or any foe that wishes to force me to bow before them is to know of this illness those two have given me, they might turn it against me. Which might cause those two to fall because of me.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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