Chapter 7: Wherefore Art Thou Trollhunter ( Part 3 )

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It was the next day, well, night, and Nyx was at Hero's Forge with Jim and Toby, watching from the sidelines as she, Aaarrgghh, and Toby watched Jim train with Blinky. Jim had his armor on and had his sword.

Jim didn't follow Blinky with his head nor eyes as the troll walked around him, he only focused on the positions and what Blinky was saying to him.

Blinky: The Trollhunter lives and dies by three rules. Rule number one: always be afraid.

Jim: Afraid?

Aaarrgghh: Be afraid.

Jim: Yeah, I don't think that'll be a problem. Whoa!

Jim quickly ducked as a rock was thrown to his head, missing it easily. He turned his head to see Aaarrgghh with a closed fist, he obviously had caught the rock. Aaarrgghh then eats the rock as Blinky continues while Nyx stiffens a laugh at Jim's face of full shock.

Blinky: See? Fear is good. Keeps us alert. Keeps us on guard. Makes us vigilant. A hero is not he who is fearless, but he who is not stopped by it.

Blinky then threw more rocks at Jim, who quickly avoided all the stones.

Jim: Got it.

Blinky: Two: always finish the fight. An opponent must be given no mercy.

Blinky laughed as he threw more rocks, Jim used his sword as a shield against the rocks.

Jim: Okay, enough with the rocks already. Always finish the fight?

Jim was then suddenly taken down by a rock, a groan escaping him as he turned his head to see that it was Aaarrgghh that had thrown the rock.

Aaarrgghh: Kill!

Toby points at Aaarrgghh to say he had done it while Jim stood up, his hand rubbing the sore spot forming on his head from the rock.

Blinky: Indeed. The Trollhunter must always vanquish his opponent through death.

Toby: Dude, that's harsh.

Nyx: ( with a blank expression: ) The world of the night is an unforgiving world, Jim. Trollhunters don't have as much respect among the Gumm-Gumms as Bestia Nocturnas.

Blinky: Hence, the third rule: when in doubt, always kick them in the Gronk-nuks.

Jim: Gronk-nuks?

On cue, after a few steps of Blinky's foot, a large blade fell near the space in between Jim's legs. Jim screamed and backed away as Aaarrgghh lets out a shiver.

Aaarrgghh: The horror.

Jim: So, basically, you're saying that one-third of being a Trollhunter is kicking someone in the nards.

Toby then turns to Nyx, who stood with a straight posture and her hands behind her back like a soldier waiting for orders.

Toby: What about you, Nyx? Is one of the rules of being a Bestia Nocturna kicking someone in the nards?

Nyx let out a chuckle before she shoked her head " no ", she then walked to Jim, Blinky stepping out of her way with a smile.

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