Chapter 1

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The Bise, rushes through the leaves, grass, flowers and brushes the trees. They follow the rhythm. The many animals taking residence in the trees, rush to complete their evening chores. The squirrel family seems to be in a hurry to get back to their family in their house seemingly coming from a trip of the valley. The rabbit pair, seemingly rushing home from a date. The birds chirping to chime the evening time. A foliage of leaves blows along the majestic Alpine landscape, the wind bouncing of the slopes of the valley before rising high above the trees eventually disappearing into the dark clouds. A flower seemingly plucked from a plant making its journey through the landscape and finally landing on the soft grass, gracefully.

"And, where have you come from?" a voice asked. 

A boy of no more than 15, he picks the violet flower and admires it's beauty. He lays back on a tree and enjoys the majestic view of the Alpine landscape. 

"What can anything make this even more good?" 

He wondered staring lovingly at the sight before him. Our Bise seemed to play Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony. 

"Norbert" came a deep voice.

"Come along, we can't keep him waiting."

"Keep whom waiting?" 

"You'll see."

Norbert wondered who could it be that would visit this late, especially when a snowstorm is on its way.

Reluctantly letting go of the wondrous view, he walks to his Grandad and together drove down. Bise follows them as the trees beside them align to say goodbye to Nor. The rabbits and marmots running down from trees to their houses, collecting their last bite of twigs. The colonies of marmots stumble on each other and quickly bury themselves underground. 

Norbert being all too familiar to his place, knew what came next. A Lake which he adored a lot once he saw the lake, he knew it was only a mere 10 to 20 metre walk towards his house. As he looks down from the slopes of the mountain towards the grandiose view of the lake. His childhood memories sweep around him just like the wind around them. 

As they neared, Norbert noticed a car parked to the side of his house. A person as special as someone who came in a car? He wondered who could it be.

"Norbert!" screamed a voice that Norbert knew all too well. 

It was a sweet, humble voice that sounded like honey. Not too innocent, not too mature. This was a voice of discovery and curiosity. It was-


They both ran up and hugged each other. It had been a long time since they met. Another voice called out to Ezra from around the corner of their house. It was Mr. Ezra. 

"So, how was the surprise kid?"

"It's wonderful father. Thank You."

"As I'm sure, so did Norbert."

"Oh Yes Mr. Ezra."

"It wouldn't have been a surprise, had he not moved from his haven."

"Ah Mr. Reinhard!"

"Mr. Ezra!"

Both the men shake their hands as they did plenty of times.

"Trust me Mr. Ezra, had you been in my place, you'd refuse too!"

"I can imagine. The Swiss Alps are just breathtaking!"

"Even more with a Snowstorm underway. But I'm glad I did."

He hugs Ezra to complete what he meant.

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