Chapter 6

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A high-pitched bell chimes as a wooden door opens, from it, a quartet of people enter this store, two adult men and two teens. The store manager at the counter who recognises them instantly raises her hand to greet them, 

"Good Morning Kürner, Robert!"

"Morning Patricia!"

"Hi Pat!"

"Hi! Nor, how are you doing?"

"Good! this is Alex."

"Hi! Alex, jolly day it is then!"

"Yes, quite!" With that she turns to Mr. Reinhard.

"So, is it a casual visit or a terrible emergency?"

"Well, Christmas is tomorrow, and we were planning on a picnic together."

"That's great! and if this is a invite, I'm all in."

"Thank You, tomorrow my house at nine."

"Great, I'll bring some food with me as well."

"Oh that's so kind of you."

"Can it be those chocolate sweets you make?"

"It'll be a surprise."

"Tomorrow's feast is going to be great." Nor turns to Ez expecting a question or reply back, instead, as soon as Nor looks at him, Ez quickly darts his gaze to the floor. Nor knew it was yesterday. 

"Anyway uhh Patricia, we also want some new outfits for the boys."

"Oh Yes, of course please right this way."

Patricia leads them to the section with the readymade cloth outfits. They stroll around there for a while checking at different outfits which suit them.

"Hmm, this will suit. But I'm doubtful with the straps."

"I think it will look nice."

"I think you guys need to try it on. It's not gonna take a while."

She points towards the changing rooms, and the boys go to try on their outfits, while they're inside, the adults check on their outfits. Since they knew their style, they quickly made two new outfits their own and got them to the checkin counter. 



"How do I look?"


"Told you so."

"Yes, now let me just check that out and you'll be on your way."


As he turned around, he saw Nor.

"Oh! Nor amazingly suited."

"Yes, thank you Pat for helping me out."

"You're welcome dear. Now wear it with care."

"I will."

With that the adults turned and talked about the price and others, while they were discussing, Nor looks at a mirror and admires what he wears. "Pat really did a good job." He thinks as he swirls and turns to look. While doing so, he looked at the mirror and he saw Ezra, he was behind and admiring the outfit. Nor turned back to face Ez, but as soon as Ezra saw Nor he put his eyes straight to the floor and rushed into the changing room. Nor was confused at how Ez had been acting since yesterday, now he was concerned. He followed Ez as he rushed in, Nor always had this sparkle in his eyes but now that sparkle disappeared to worry. 

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