Chapter Nine

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Later that afternoon, Odin called everyone inside the throne to discuss important matters. Loki held Elli's hand and walked in after Frigga and Thor to find Laufey and Helblindi sitting beside Odin.

"Father. what's going on?" Thor asked.

"Because of Laufey's threat, I had no other choice but to reinstate Elli's marriage to Helblindi." Odin replied.

"What?" Elli asked.

"Allfather, please. I love your daughter. Please." Loki begged.

"See, Allfather. He's weak. Already resorted to begging. Can barely stand on his own." Laufey told Odin.

"The only reason I'm begging is because my brute of a brother will hurt Elli if she is to be his wife. Elli does not deserve him." Loki explained angrily as he stared Laufey down.

"Where's your proof?" Helblindi asked.

"I've seen you harm several of the maids in our home. Some still have the bruises from years ago. Please, Allfather. I know my father will wage a war can't subject your daughter to a man like him." Loki pleaded with Odin.

Elli bit her lip as she tried to stifle her cries and Loki wrapped his arms around Elli, trying to protect her.

"Helblindi is Laufey's first born and it is law that the girl should marry the firstborn son." Odin told him.

Loki felt a tear escape his eye and Helblindi began to laugh. Frigga glared at Odin as he put his head down.

"When is the wedding?" Loki asked.

"The day after tomorrow." Odin replied.

"Please, father, I don't want to marry him! Please I love Loki! I love him with all my heart. Why can't you see that?" Elli cried out.

"I'm so sorry." Odin said.

Elli stormed out of the throne room and Loki immediately ran after her. He finally reached out and grabbed her arm pulling her to him. She cried into his chest as he cradled her head and rubbed her back.

"Elli, it will be alright." Loki said.

"How can it be alright if I'm not marrying you?" Elli asked as she looked up at Loki.

Loki thought long and hard before he could come up with an answer.

"Come with me to my chambers." Loki replied.

Once inside, Loki looked down the hall and then locked the door behind him.

"What? Do you know how to get me out of this?" Elli asked.

"I think there is only one way we can get married." Loki replied.

"And what is it? Oh, please tell me." Elli asked.

"If we were to...have one another, we would have to marry." Loki told her.

"What? Why?" Elli asked as her brow furrowed.

"If you were to sleep with me and not your betrothed, you would be seen as impure and would be forced to marry me since we have laid in the same bed. I've read it in a book once." Loki explained.

"Loki, I don't know about that. That's something serious. I'm not just one to throw myself about." Elli told him.

"I know you aren't, but, there's no other way. You'd have to marry Helblindi." Loki said.

"But, I don't want him I want you." Elli sighed.

"Elli, you know I love you very much." Loki said.

"I love you." Elli said breathlessly.

"I need an answer, Elli. I need to know if you want to go through with this and are comfortable with it." Loki told her.

"I'm a virgin, Loki. I wouldn't know what to do." Elli said.

"As am I." Loki chuckled.

Elli smiled softly and Loki exhaled sharply.

"All I know is that I want you and no one else to do this with. You're my one true love and I don't want to see you go." Loki told her.

"Tonight?" Elli asked.

"Yes. So you want this?" Loki asked.

Elli nodded her head and Loki took her hands in his.

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you if you are uncomfortable." Loki asked as his brow furrowed.

"I want just you and no one else." Elli replied softly.

Loki smiled brightly as he leaned forward and laid a kiss to Elli's lips. When they pulled back Loki licked his lips as Elli panted softly.

"Excuse me for a moment. I must speak with Helblindi for a moment." Loki said.

"Be safe." Elli smiled.

"I will." Loki grinned.

He kissed Elli's cheek quickly before exiting his chambers. He found Helblindi in his chambers and Helblindi smirked when he saw Loki in the doorway.

"What do you want now?" Helblindi asked.

"To try and get past this, I wanted to give you my blessing...tonight in my chambers." Loki replied.

Helblindi raised his brow and cocked his head to the side as Loki smiled.

"What time?" Helblindi asked.

"Somewhat around ten." Loki replied.

"Fine. Go away now. I don't want to see your face." Helblindi told him.

Loki nodded his head and walked back towards his chambers. After dinner, Loki and Elli excused themselves to retire early. Helblindi gave him a look as he sipped his wine and shrugged it off. Once in Loki's chambers, he closed the door and softly pushed Elli against the door. His face was inches away from hers and they both panted softly.

"Once more, I need to know if this is what you truly want." Loki said breathlessly.

"Yes." Eli whispered.

Loki smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around her and pursed his lips together. He then took her legs and Elli gasped as he wrapped them around his waist and carried her towards the bed. He laid her down on the bed and hovered over her. His hands were on either side of her head and Elli gazed up into his eyes.

"What happens next?" Elli asked.

Loki replied by standing up and helping Elli sit up on the bed. He wrapped his arms around her as his fingers worked on the string of the back of her dress. Elli watched as Loki struggled to untie the back of her dress while maintaining eye contact with her. She put her hands behind her back and let Loki take a step back as she untied the rest of the back of her dress. Once she finished, she pushed the straps of her dress down and inhaled sharply as the top of her dress fell down her body, revealing her bare chest. Loki's eyes widened and he moved towards her. He licked his lips as he looked up at Elli and saw the blush spread across her face.

"Are they-"

"Beautiful? Yes." Loki told her.

Elli smiled softly and Loki had her stand up.

"May I do the rest?" Loki asked.

Elli nodded her head and watched intently as Loki brought himself to his knees. He tugged on her dress and laid it down on the floor by her feet. He then looked up her body and found her in her stockings and undergarment and smiled up at her when his eyes reached hers. His hands grazed the outside of her legs as he went to pull down her stockings. Once they were at her feet, he removed her heels and pushed everything aside with his foot as he stood up to look at Elli. She looked down at herself and then up at Loki. She then began to remove the pieces of his armor and put them on his writing desk. Elli then removed his shirts and stared at his bare chest once again. She recalled the markings and laid her hand against the marking of the heart on his chest. Her hands then travelled down his body and found the string of his pants. Her nimble fingers worked slowly to untie thr string and the anticipation was killing Loki. Once the string was done, he pushed his pants down along with his undergarments and Elli gasped as she looked down at him.

"They aren't always blue, you know." Loki whispered.

After a moment of silence, the two broke into fits of giggles and walked towards the bed. As they stood at the foot of the bed, they looked at one another and then at each other's bodies.

"Lay down." Loki said softly.

Elli walked around the bed and slowly laid herself down on the covers with her head resting against the pillows. Her body was foreign to Loki and he wanted nothing more than to explore every aspect it had to offer him. Loki then climbed over the foot of the bed and crawled the rest of the way towards Elli and hovered over her. He looked down at her and then into her eyes.

"May I touch you?" Loki asked.

"Yes." Elli replied eagerly.

Loki shot her a smirk before his hands trailed down her side towards her sex. Once he touched her, the two gasped and Loki caressed her gently. He looked back and forth between Elli and her sex to make sure she was not uncomfortable at any moment. He furrowed his brow softly and felt her opening. Out of curiosity, he moved his index finger inside of her and Elli moaned in slight discomfort. Loki shot her a look and she nodded her head for him to continue. Loki moved and curled his finger inside of her and felt her getting wetter as she panted softly. Loki looked up at Elli and watched as her eyes fluttered closed and her lips parted softly. Her chest heaved slightly and her soft moans aroused Loki as he watched her. Loki then inserted his middle finger into her and Elli's eyes opened as she inhaled sharply. She looked up at Loki and then at his sex. Elli slowly lifted her hand and Loki gasped as he felt Elli wrap her fingers around him. She ran her hand up and down and Loki bit his lip to keep from making any sound. With the pleasure Elli was causing him, he moved his fingers faster inside of Elli and she arched her back softly as she let out a moan. Her hand gripped him tightly and Loki groaned as he removed his fingers.

"Why did you stop?" Elli asked.

"I don't know." Loki replied.

Elli removed her hand from around him as he moved himself so he hovered over her. To accommodate him, she spread her legs as he laid himself over her. As their nude bodies touched, the two couldn't help but caress each other's skin. Loki took Elli's face in his hands and kissed her roughly as Elli tried her best to keep up with him. After a few moments, Elli pulled back with a gasp. The two felt Loki move himself against her sex and he gave Elli one last kiss before pushing himself against her sex one more time. He used his arms to raise himself up so he could look down at himself. For a few moments, Elli watched as Loki bit his lip and sighed as he tried to move inside her. Loki let out a defeated sigh and Elli realized he was struggling as he looked up at Elli.

"Help me." He whispered.

Elli furrowed her brow as she spread her legs a little more and Loki tried one more. He shook his head again and Elli put her hands over her sex and spread the lips just a little bit for Loki to see. He smiled as he felt himself begin to move inside of her. Once he pushed the head of his member inside, Elli let out a pained gasp and Loki laid himself over her as he took her face in his hands. She put her hands over his and furrowed her brow.

"It's alright, Elli. It's just me and you. No one else. Just us." Loki whispered against her lips.

"I know hurt." Elli said.

"That's your maidenhead. But soon pleasure will overcome the pain." Loki told her as he moved himself further inside of her.

After a few seconds, Elli let out another gasp and Loki caressed the sides of her face.

"Oh, gods, you're too big. I don't think you'll fit." Elli confessed, on the verge of tears.

Loki shook his head as he smiled down at Elli.

"Please just take a deep breath and focus on the pleasure." Loki whispered.

Elli nodded her head and moaned softly as Loki sheathed all of himself inside of her. As he did, he let out a loud moan as Elli wrapped her legs around his torso. Loki began to thrust his hips into Elli and the moaned together as he did. Elli wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her body. He dug his head into the curve of her neck and moaned against her skin. Elli's nails dug into his skin as he moved and she moaned every time he thrust inside of her. Loki gritted his teeth as he increased his pace and panted as he rested his forehead on hers. The two gazed into one another's eyes as he moved and Elli let out a wanton moan that sent shivers down Loki's spine. He lifted himself up by his elbows and knelt down, spreading her legs wider as he undulated his hips against Elli's core. Elli arched her back and clawed at his back as her walls clamped down around him every so often. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to stop herself and Loki shook his head.

"Don't fight it, Elli. Just let go." He moaned.

"I can't. Oh, it's too much." Elli moaned as she giggled.

"Oh, gods, Elli, just let go. Don't hold back. Don't fight yourself. Oh, I'm so close. I want to finish with you." Loki rambled on.

He laid himself back down against her body and wrapped his arms around her body as he thrust into her at a vigorous pace. Loki felt Elli's walls clamp around him for the last time as she lost full control of herself. She arched her back and let out a few cries one after another before she made no sound. Her body shook in his arms as Loki cried out with his release. Elli finally regained her voice and she panted loudly as she felt Loki's heart beat against his chest. Loki heard the door to his chambers move and as Elli laid back against the bed trying to bring herself back to her senses, Loki turned around to find Helblindi shocked at what he saw. Loki smirked at his brother before mouthing the words, this is my blessing. Loki gave one last thrust and Elli let out a small gasp of shock as Loki turned back around and laid himself over her body to cover her from Helblindi. Helblindi's blood boiled as he closed the door and paced back towards his room.

"Oh gods, that was amazing." Loki panted.

"I'm still feeling some aftershocks give me a moment." Elli sighed.

Loki laughed as he laid his head on her chest and kissed her breasts. He began to move out of her when Elli stopped him.

"I'm still trying to recover. Please, just stay still for a few more moments." Elli told him.

"It was that good?" Loki asked.

"It was that good." Elli replied.

"I hope I didn't hurt you." Loki said.

"You didn't hurt me. It was just a little pressure and then it was over. Are you sure you haven't done this before?" Elli asked.

"No, I haven't. Why do you ask?" Loki replied.

"You just seemed so experienced. Oh, it was magical." Elli told him with a chuckle.

"I love you, Elli. I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Loki whispered.

"What if this plan doesn't work?" Elli asked.

Loki removed himself from inside of Elli and laid down on the other side of the bed.

"Then we'll run away and be together forever." Loki replied.

The two turned to face one another and kissed softly before Loki wrapped his arms around her. Elli laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes.

"Good night, Elli." Loki whispered.

"Good night." Elli said as she drifted to sleep.

Loki kissed her forehead softly before closing his eyes and falling asleep with the love of his life wrapped tightly in his arms. The following morning, the two woke up suddenly to the door being opened.

"There!" A voice called out.

"What?" Loki asked groggily.

The two finally came to their senses when Odin, Frigga, Thor, Laufey and Helblindi entered the room. Loki quickly managed to lift the sheets over Elli's chest so they did not see anything.

"I saw them last night. They were together." Helblindi told them.

"I will not stand for this Allfather! Do something or I will." Laufey threatened.

"Elli?" Frigga asked.

Elli looked up at Loki as he cupped her face. She sighed before turning back to face them.

"I love Loki. Just him." Elli confessed.

Helblindi let out a cry as he stormed out of the room.

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